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August 17, 2007

Hijab Harmony Humoured

It's a slow news day in the Texas Panhandle.

EVERY day is a slow news day in the Texas Panhandle, plus I've run out of horse pics.

I found the following news article humorous humourous even if it did take place across the pond.

Hear ye, hear ye, MP3...

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's top lawyer decided on Thursday that no action would be taken against a Muslim woman accused of listening to an MP3 music player under her hijab while on jury duty. The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was thrown off the jury considering a murder trial when one of her fellow jurors reported seeing headphone wires coming out of her headscarf.

Attorney General Baroness Patricia Scotland had "carefully" considered the case and decided not to press criminal charges, saying it would be too difficult to prove if the woman was guilty, a spokeswoman for her office said.

"(She) has concluded that there is insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of proving beyond reasonable doubt any alleged contempt of court," the spokeswoman said.

The suspected incident had occurred during a trial in June at London's Blackfriars Court of a man accused of bludgeoning his wife to death.

The case was briefly halted while the woman, who could have been jailed if found guilty of contempt, was discharged from the jury and arrested.

At the time she was arrested, she was listening to "Jihad Hajji and the Baghdad Bombers" with their #7 hit on the charts, going to the top with an AK-47 bullet, "Infidel Rock".

I like the studio version, where they're backed up by that heavenly choir the "72 Virgins".

Keep that under your hat, though, wouldja?

Blue-Eyed Horse

You'll have to click the photo below for a larger view and to see clearer, but this horse has the prettiest blue eyes.

It also has a long blonde mane and a color at the top of its head that makes it look like a sweatband with the hair spilling out over it. It was a hot day and the animal was lathered up a bit, too.

Reminded me of my ex-wife after her exercise classes.

Welcome to everyone who has found this post via Google or some other search engine.

There's another photo of this same horse in the post Ebony and Ivory.

August 16, 2007

Maybe My Mule

I've got a few favorite "friends" out at the horse lots. I like this mule; he's colorful, friendly and doesn't bite and appreciates the weeds I feed him.

He also holds still, even posing while I take his photograph.

He likes the treats, but I think he's lonely and wants my company. I can talk to him and sometimes he'll shut his eyes. That might be because my voice grates on his nerves, I dunno.

Had a long-haired donkey come over to see what was going on, but a quick nip on the flanks by my pal sent the shaggy interloper on towards the other side of the pen. I was flattered that someone would be jealous of me, it's been a long time since ANYONE was interested...

I swear, his body language seemed as though he was trying to draw my attention towards something, and sure 'nuff, he finally got me pointed in the right direction.

"Uh, you DID get that phone number, right?"

Y'know, I bet he'd be a better mouse catcher than the Beej. He'd at least stomp on the bugs.

Wonder how much a mule costs?

Momma & Baby Mule

Good Grief, Gobs of Goats!

"Hey, take MY picture!" this goat seemed to say to me as I was out taking photos of the mules, chickens, dogs and misc. other creatures out at the horse lots west of the Pampa city limits.

I swear, it kept bleating as if talking to me, but I think it was telling this other goat that it really shouldn't be outside the gate.

On down the road there was an entire pen full of goats and a couple of black sheep. I'm familiar with black sheep so I didn't take any photos. (seriously, they were shy and ran into the little barn when I got close. If you'll click the photo below you'll get a larger view and can see one of them, directly in the middle of all the other animals)

I love to take photos of goat's faces; they're so interesting and expressive.

I liked the coloration of this one, but when I'd poke my camera through the fence wire to get an unobstructed shot, he'd turn his head or another goat would try to eat my camera.

I finally lured him into a frontal view with the offer of some tasty weeds.

Well, HE thought they were tasty; I'm more into spinach and endive.

Duke & Lil' Trigger

I was driving around the horse lot west of the Pampa city limits and was looking to my left when I heard the unmistakable sound of a bloodhound from the right of my vehicle. Sure 'nuff, there he was on the other side of the road.

He LOOKS to me to be at least a good bit of bloodhound and he sounded like one; I don't recall my dad ever owning one, but he had hunting dogs, both bird and 'coon.

I wasn't for sure if he'd let me pet him or if he'd be protective of his territory and want to hang a fang in me.

I got close and he "bayed" for me, that deep, hoarse mixture of a bark and a bellow.

He was wagging his tail, but....

He almost licked me to death, he was so glad to have someone to pay attention to him. I'll have to remember to bring him a chew bone next time I'm there. It makes me sad, because I know dogs get lonely too. Been there, done that, doggonnit.

I don't blame him for being lonely, because his only company in the pen was this anti-social billy goat who bleated his disapproval of the dog fraternizing with strangers. Being downwind of this billy was no treat for the dog, I'm sure, because the brown stain on his chin whiskers is where he pees on them.

At least the ol' dog had SOME company; in the pen next to him was a Shetland Pony.

The poor thing was skittish and I found out why; he was blind in one eye and could sense me on that side of him. (on the left, his right eye if you'll click the following pic for a larger view)

As long as he could see me, he stayed calm.

I'm not for sure if the horse was extra-small or the bloodhound was extra-large.

Duke & Lil' Trigger, that's what I named 'em.

Dunno where the rest of the Clampetts were; probably out at the cement pond.