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November 16, 2007

Incomplete Pass (6mb)

This is a video I took which I've decided to use as a test of the new Blogger video upload. It's an incomplete pass during the Canadian/Tulia bi-district football game I attended last night in Buffalo Stadium in Canyon, Texas.

I've a Nikon Coolpix 7600 that can take videos in .mov format. I don't like Quicktime, but the camera had most of the other features I wanted in the price range I had in mind. I really hadn't planned on taking videos with it, but one night while attempting to take some photos of an oncoming thunderstorm, I took a few seconds of an 18-wheeler driving by in the rain. Even though it was dark, it was cool, especially with the doppler effect of the truck whizzing by.

It gave me an idea that it might be cool to take a short video of a train coming by; set my tripod up fairly close to the track, wait until I hear one and start the camera rolling. I think it might best to point it away from the coming train and then have it WHOOSH into the frame.

I think I'll do that tomorrow!

(since I started on this, I found I had a program that could convert the file to .wmv)

November 15, 2007

November 14, 2007

Kinky Politics

Friedman's ideas on overhauling the Texas (and US) method of electing our "public servants". -snicker-

I voted for the Kinkster, by-the-way. I wish he'd run for President.

November 12, 2007

Cheeseburger Challenge

From My High Plains:

AMARILLO -- The German film crew for the show "Galileo" found themselves in Arnold Burgers today asking "where's the beef?" They ordered the #241 which is the 24" cheeseburger. After eating a small portion of the burger, it proved too big for the hungry host who couldn't finish it all. Even though they handed out leftovers, the crew said it was worth the trip to see this Panhandle pattie.

I've been to Arnolds a few times while I was going to TSTI in Amarillo. The first time I went, I was warned to get the "Junior Cheeseburger", so for once in my life I took some advice and was glad I did because I couldn't finish it and the heaping mound of fries that came with the burger.

The 24" burger is often served to parties and is probably enough for 6-8 people. They turn the beef patty with a spatula that looks like it's been made from a large snow shovel.

Makes me hungry just thinking about it.