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January 30, 2009

Because I'm a Prince

Your 80s Song is "1999"

If you were transported back to the 80s, your life would be all about living large.

You love the excess that the 80s represented, even if the party wasn't meant to last.

You think of the 80s as a time of wild fashions, big money, and fast cars.

And that's a world you wouldn't mind being a part of!

Lee National Denim Day®

It's quite a while off, but it's never too early to prepare for Lee National Denim Day®

From the website:

How to Plan for Lee National Denim Day®

Coordinating a Denim Day team and contributing to the fight against breast cancer has never been easier or more fun. Here are the five simple steps to hosting Denim Day at your company or with family and friends:

1. Sign Up. When you sign up for Denim Day, you will receive a free participation kit with copier-friendly posters and fact sheets, pink ribbon pins, and more.

2. Promote Your Team. There are a few different ways to get the word out about Denim Day. A good place to start is by customizing the team page that is automatically established for you when you sign up. There you can upload your team’s personal story and fundraising goal, share photos, communicate with your team members and collect donations easily online without envelopes or hassle. We also have a wide variety of downloadable resources online that you can use to motivate your team.

3. Put on Your Jeans. Whether it’s on Oct. 2 or another day of your choosing, don’t forget the best part! Put on your favorite jeans as an act of solidarity in the fight against breast cancer. As a participant, you are welcome to a discount on Lee.com—check your kit for coupons. And visit the Denim Day Shop for your Denim Day apparel, where $5 of every purchase goes to Denim Day.

4. Collect Donations. There are two ways to collect donations. Ask your team members to submit them online from your team page so you can watch as you climb closer to your goal, or you can collect donations from your team members and submit them via cash or check.

5. Celebrate. It is our hope that we will again raise millions for groundbreaking research on Denim Day, and it will be because of your efforts. Pat yourself and your team on the back, and celebrate your contribution in the fight against breast cancer.

Lee National Denim Day

January 29, 2009

Free Travel Guides

From the website:

Step 1: Browse over 100 of our top destinations

Step 2: Pick the travel guides you'd like

Step 3: Receive guides free by mail or download

Step 4: No obligation, no strings attached. Go vacation!

One of the best things in life is the promise of something free. The actual best thing in life is when those promised things turn out to actually be free. Our Free Travel Guides of the United States and Canada are just that: Free. 100% no strings attached. There are two ways to get free brochures or travel information. You can click on the map and find a region of the US that appeals to you, or click on one of the 30 plus states linked on the right sidebar. You'll be able to add free travel brochures or free travel guides to your shopping cart from any page.

When planning a trip and wanting the most current up to date travel information, please consider www.TravelGuidesFree.com

Free Travel Guides

It's just me, I'm sure, but I wonder why the site's name is "Free Travel Guides" and the website URL is www.travelguidesfree.com?

They might be dyslexic and instead of sending you a North Dakota brochure, you get one from South Dakota.

Redneck Solution

From the email archives:

The Pentagon announced TODAY the formation of a new 500-man elite fighting unit called the United States Redneck Special Forces (USRSF)

These Southern boys will be dropped off into Iraq and have been given only the following facts about terrorists:

1. The season opened today.

2. There is no limit.

3. They taste just like chicken.

4. They don't like beer, pickups, country music, mamma or Jesus.

5. They are directly responsible for the death of Dale Earnhardt.

The Pentagon expects the problem in Iraq to be over by Friday