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May 15, 2009

Dodged a Bullet

Had tornado sightings earlier, some large hail. The sirens wailed and the power went off, only just now coming back on.

Pampa is the black dot on the screenshot; the storm is (thankfully) past.

I'll admit I was a bit scared, but my fright was tempered by my anger. What chaps my butt is that when the power went off, so did the local radio station. The taxpayers (me 'n the rest of the good citizens of Pampa) paid a large amt. of money for an emergency generator for the station.


querulous \KWER-uh-luhs; -yuh\ , adjective:
1. Apt to find fault; habitually complaining.
2. Expressing complaint; fretful; whining.

A word that describes the political party not in power at the time.