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May 16, 2009

Like Tears in Rain

From the movie "Blade Runner"


Barb said...

Still love this movie after all these years.

Not one I can share with my daughter like Princess Bride or Blazing Saddles but some day.

Thanks Mike

Mike said...

I read a comment on a msg. board that Rutger Hauer had died, so I had to go see. Sheesh, the nerve of some people.

Anyway...made me think of this scene, one of my favorites. Bladerunner is a movie I can watch whenever it comes on; I try to watch it once a year or so.

I've never been able to find a copy of the book it was made from, though. Last time I checked, I could buy a used copy through Amazon, but it was pretty expensive considering it wasn't new. I might go back to the local video/book store and see if I can get them to order it for me, but the last time I tried, the girl couldn't find it in their inventory.