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June 8, 2009


tergiversation \tuhr-jiv-uhr-SAY-shuhn\ , noun:
1. The act of practicing evasion or of being deliberately ambiguous.
2. The act of abandoning a party or cause.

Never had seen this word, but I sure knew the meaning.

The first definition is exactly what politicians do.

The second is what I've done to the Republican party.

Snooty, Maybe

You Are Not a Snob

In general, you're a very open minded and kind person.

There really isn't a snobby bone in your body. You are very accepting.

You're not afraid to be who you are... you're proud of your individuality.

In truth, you think that snobby people aren't good enough for you!

Uncle Jay Explains (6-8)

June 6, 2009

So True

Youth is wasted on the young.

- George Bernard Shaw

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