Welcome to ToTG!

August 28, 2009

500 Colored Pencils

From the website:

What would one color be without 499 others?

Introducing 500 Colored Pencils: the only set in the world that matches the span and wonder of human creativity.

Express whatever you dream, with beautiful visual precision.

Each pencil is its own story. A unique hue with an inventive name to inspire the far corners of your creativity.

Together, the colors suggest infinite possibilities.

Quite a few colors I've never seen before; lettuce, mermaid's gown and tragedy. (wow, a color for my love life!!!)

You can have the entire set sent to you, 25 pencils at a time, over the course of 20 months. Each month's shipment will set you back 33 bucks.

Uh, I believe if I need to draw something I will go down to the Dollar Store and buy the Made-in-China off-brand crayons.

Nothin' Better to Do - LeAnn Rimes

A "bump" to say Happy Birthday, LeAnn!

Back Up Your Blog

When I was involved in the now defunct MSN Groups it was always such a hassle to try to back up my group so I didn't even try. Files and photos could easily be saved/backed-up via the My Network Spaces, but posts had to be copied into a Notepad document and saved, or pasted into an HTML editor and the page saved. (and since people were constantly clearing out their graphics albums in order to save space, the page had to be saved again to save any images) It was a pain.

With Blogger, it's much easier to save each and every post. I've got my settings where I get posts and replies direct to my inbox. I saved them for a while, then decided I didn't really want to keep them. (face it, my posts are not something for the ages)

Another method of saving posts and replies is to use the RSS feed for your blog and save them within Google Reader. Create a folder, name it something like "ToTG" and move all published content to it, easy as that!

I still don't save them, though. I've lost a few posts from here due to some Blogger glitch, but I'm not losing any sleep over it.


delectation \dee-lek-TAY-shun\ , noun:
1. Great pleasure; delight, enjoyment.

I hope everyone takes delectation in this blog.

More likely, they'd like to drop the "T", swap the "L" for an "F" and replace "in" for "on".