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October 3, 2009

Ransom Note Generator

From the website:

1. Do some crime.*
2. Enter your ransom note text in the box to the right.
3. When done, click "Generate Ransom Note".
4. A printable ransom note will be created for you.

*Note: Use for entertainment purposes only.

Ransom Note Generator

October 2, 2009


incarnadine \in-KAR-nuh-dyn\ , adjective, verb:
1. Having a fleshy pink color.
2. Red; blood-red.
transitive verb:
1. To make red or crimson.

There, I made the link incarnadine.

October 1, 2009

Fury Forments Fish Frying Fit

Cops: Woman fried, ate goldfish amid fight with ex

From AP Pasadena, Texas goldfish jump

A Houston-area woman was so angry at her former common-law husband that she fried the family goldfish and ate three of the seven.

goldfish bowl Good Grief.

I'm not gobsmacked so much by the woman eating them; shoot, if you've already cooked 'em up...but no, I'm trying to wrap my head around this creepy act of revenge committed by a woman who is obviously a stand or two off bottom, yet the semi-brilliant thing is she probably knew there's a good chance of not being charged with any crime.

Why do dogs pee on hydrants?

Via Bits & Pieces

Why do dogs pee on hydrants?:

Dog_hydrantDogs—like all other canids—leave urine conspicuously splashed on all manner of object. Urine marking, as this method of communication is called, conveys a message. Every dog owner is familiar with the raised-leg marking of fire hydrants, lampposts, trees, bushes. Most marked spots are high or prominent: better to be seen, and better for the odor to be smelled.

From observations of the behavior of sniffing dogs, it appears that the chemicals in the urine give information about, for females, sexual readiness, and for males, their social confidence. The prevailing myth is that the message is “this is mine,” that dogs urinate to “mark territory.” But research has failed to bear this out as the exclusive, or even predominant, use of urine marking. Instead, marking seems to leave information about who the urinator is, how often he walks by this spot, his recent victories, and his interest in mating. In this way, the invisible pile of scents on the hydrant becomes a community bulletin board, with old, deteriorating announcements and requests peeking out from underneath more recent posts.

Read more about a dogs world.
