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October 3, 2009

Incense & Peppermints-Strawberry Alarm Clock

Bad vid, but it was the only semi-decent one I could find w/ the original band members.

I'm pretty sure they're lip-synchin', too.


raffish \RAF-ish\ , adjective:
1. Characterized by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity, crudeness, or rowdiness; tawdry.
2. Marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness; rakish.

I'm a little more raffish than my momma would've liked. I don't think it was all of it laid directly on me, but also that some of the women I've dated fit the description more than than I did.

Ransom Note Generator

From the website:

1. Do some crime.*
2. Enter your ransom note text in the box to the right.
3. When done, click "Generate Ransom Note".
4. A printable ransom note will be created for you.

*Note: Use for entertainment purposes only.

Ransom Note Generator

October 2, 2009


incarnadine \in-KAR-nuh-dyn\ , adjective, verb:
1. Having a fleshy pink color.
2. Red; blood-red.
transitive verb:
1. To make red or crimson.

There, I made the link incarnadine.

October 1, 2009

Fury Forments Fish Frying Fit

Cops: Woman fried, ate goldfish amid fight with ex

From AP Pasadena, Texas goldfish jump

A Houston-area woman was so angry at her former common-law husband that she fried the family goldfish and ate three of the seven.

goldfish bowl Good Grief.

I'm not gobsmacked so much by the woman eating them; shoot, if you've already cooked 'em up...but no, I'm trying to wrap my head around this creepy act of revenge committed by a woman who is obviously a stand or two off bottom, yet the semi-brilliant thing is she probably knew there's a good chance of not being charged with any crime.