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November 7, 2009

Korean Baseball Fight

Summer Hangin' in There

Was warm Friday, too, but next week's temps will start to slide down.

I'm already ready for spring. Supposed to be a cold, wet winter.

EDIT: Meant to add that yesterday was a record 100yr high. Just a few minutes ago I overheard a conversation at a convenience store between two women:

"My goodness, it certainly was warm yesterday!" exclaimed one woman.

"Yes, a record high!" said the other. "That's from global warming!"

I wanted to butt in and ask what caused the high temp a hundred years ago.

Sheesh, that's just the weather in the Panhandle for ya. It snowed in Amarillo a week or so ago. Guess that's global warming, too.

November 5, 2009

My Brand

I got an email from Marlboro this morning, offering me some coupons and a free tshirt. I don't smoke Marlboros now and give away the coupons they send me, but I'm always up for anything free, especially a free tshirt.

The nifty thing about the free tshirt is that I could create a unique "brand" to print on it.

I thought about it for a while and decided I didn't want to use my initials as my brand, so I created something TOTALLY unique.

It's the "Flying 4Q".



maunder \MON-duhr\ , intransitive verb;
1. To talk incoherently; to speak in a rambling manner.
2. To wander aimlessly or confusedly.

Once again, a word that describes me 'n my blog.

November 4, 2009

Hit the Road Jack - Ray Charles

Obama Weather

From the Weather Channel, an application to advise you as to how Obama would dress if in your city or town.

It's a little chilly here this a.m., so Obama would dress against the wind chill:

Not many people around here wear mufflers, and many around these parts would probably want him to wear it a "bit more snugly" around his neck. (not me! I don't want a visit from the Secret Service!)

It will be warmer tomorrow, so he would dress accordingly:

Gotta get me some of those cargo shorts.

Obama Weather