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November 12, 2009

Superhero Sound

You Are "WHAP!"

You are cunning and wily. You would be the type of superhero who could launch a sneak attack on anyone at any time.

You move like a cat. You're quiet, flexible, and seem to possess nine lives each time you get into trouble.

Your enemies tend to underestimate you... if they even know you exist. You'd be the kind of superhero that lurks in the shadows.

You're happy to clean up the streets a little with your own type of vigilante justice. You certainly don't want or need any credit.

Virtual Keyboard

Virtual Keyboard

Online Barcode Generator

Online Barcode Generator

Unless you have something you need to barcode, the free service wouldn't be much use except as a novelty. Considering that I'm easily entertained....

You could make a small banner for your blog:

Or a cute email sig:

Or stir up the conspiracy nuts:

Online Barcode Generator

November 10, 2009


soporific \sop-uh-RIF-ik; soh-puh-\ , adjective;
1. Causing sleep; tending to cause sleep.
2. Of, relating to, or characterized by sleepiness or lethargy.
noun:1. A medicine, drug, plant, or other agent that has the quality of inducing sleep; a narcotic.

This blog's pretty much a soporific.

A sophomoric soporific, actually.

1928 Chevrolet Truck

Wish I had $6,000 to spare because I'd love to have this old truck.

Click any pic for larger view.

1928 Chevrolet Truck

No, I wasn't leaning while taking the picture; the lot was sloping down towards the street.

1928 Chevrolet Truck

It's in rough shape, but with some TLC it could look pretty sharp, I bet.

When I first saw it, it reminded me of The Walton's truck, but a bit of research told me that one was a Ford. (One site said it was a '31; another said it was a ' 28-'29 model)

1928 Chevrolet Truck

The inside needs a lot of work, too.

1928 Chevrolet Truck

Then again, there's not a lot to fix up!

1928 Chevrolet Truck

Not sure how large the tank is, but it can't hold more than a few hundred gallons. I would be leery of filling it up because I imagine the old truck would collapse under the weight.

1928 Chevrolet Truck

The tires are pretty much rotted rubber, but the wooden spokes would look really sharp if sanded, stained and sealed.

1928 Chevrolet Truck

Not sure how easy it would be to get parts for it, especially for the old engine.

1928 Chevrolet Truck

Seems to me that it would be worth more than 6 grand, especially if fixed up.

November 9, 2009

To Catch a Thief

A man got a job as a night watchman at a factory. There had been a lot of thefts by the workers on the night shift, and so every morning when the night shift workers passed through his gate it was his job to check their bags and pockets to make sure that nothing was being stolen.

Things were going along very well the first night on the job until a man pushing a wheelbarrow of newspaper came through his gate. Aha, he thought, that man thinks he can cover up what he is stealing with that newspaper. So he removed the paper only to find nothing. Still he felt that the man was acting strangely, so he questioned him about the paper.

“I get a little extra money from newspapers I recycle, so I go into the lunchroom and pick up all the ones people have thrown away.” The guard let him pass, but decided to keep a close eye on him. The next night it was the same, and the night after that. Week after week it went on. The same guy would push the wheelbarrow of newspapers past the guard’s checkpoint. The guard would always check and find nothing.

Then one night, about a year later, the guard reported for work only to find a message had been left for him telling him to report to his supervisor. He walked into the supervisor’s office and before he could say a word, the boss said, “You’re fired!”

“Fired?” he asked in total surprise. “Why? What did I do?”

“It was your job to make sure that no one stole anything from this plant and you have failed. So you’re fired.”

“Wait a minute, what do you mean failed. Nobody ever stole anything from this place while I was on guard.”

“Oh, really,” the boss answered. “Then how do you account for the fact that there are over 250 wheelbarrows missing?”

From Bits & Pieces