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December 5, 2009

Saturday Night Fever

Travolta was the man.

Free Holiday Postcard

Compliments of Google

From the site:

Sure, email is great, but there's something uniquely heartwarming about the kind of card that comes in the actual mail — especially for folks who don't hear from us as often as they should, simply because they aren't online.

So we've made it as easy to send snail-mail holiday cards as it is to send email. Simply fill out the form below and we'll send one free holiday postcard on your behalf. Yes, through the mail and everything.

Only one card can be sent, but if you like their cards, you can print your own.


nonplus \non-PLUHS\ , transitive verb;
1. To cause to be at a loss as to what to think, say, or do; to confound; to perplex; to bewilder.

"Nonplussed" was a pet word for me for the longest time, replacing "bumfuzzled" in my vocabulary until I started hangin' 'round British people online, then I picked up "gobsmacked".

Worst Music Video Ever?

Nowiy god - Steklovata

"Nowiy god" means "New Year" in Russian.