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December 24, 2009

For the rest of us

Track Santa

In Google Earth

(screenshot: click for larger view)

Knit Your Own Holiday Sweater!

Well, a virtual one, anyway.

Fairly straightforward to do: Pick your thread color, choose a pattern and type of stitch, select the needle to start ( use the scissors to remove the last stitch) and get to it.

I said it was easy to do, but not particularly an enjoyable thing for someone like me with no patience. I gave it a few minutes, though.

After you get done, d/l the graphic or print it out.

I don't think it was the tedious chore of clicking on each X in the pattern that turned me off the application, but was the music that plays. I'll have that damn tune in my head all day, now.

Knit Your Own Holiday Sweater

A Charlie Brown Heavy Metal Christmas

Do You Hear What I Hear?-Bowen Beer Bottle Band

December 23, 2009


clinquant \KLING-kunt\ , adjective, noun;

1. Glittering with gold or silver; tinseled.
1. Tinsel; imitation gold leaf.

Just in time for Christmas, huh?

Interesting article about tinsel making a comeback:

Tinsel: Can't Live With It, Can't Get Past Christmas Without It


Of course I am...

You Are Santa Claus

You are an optimistic and generous soul. It wouldn't be wrong to call you happy-go-lucky.

It lifts your spirit to brighten someone else's day, especially if this person is a child.

When it comes to helping others, you have boundless energy. And you admit that you sometimes put yourself last.

You'll put in the time to make sure that everyone is happy and content. You don't mind working long hours to bring others a little joy.
