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May 5, 2010


vamoose\va-MOOS\ , verb;
1. To leave hurriedly or quickly; decamp.
2. To leave hurriedly or quickly from; decamp from.

I've done some vamoosing in my time.

Sometimes, with my mild dyslexia, I read words differently than they really are, or get a weird picture in my head when I see the word.

This popped into my head:

A VA moose.

I'm a Wily Smiley

You Are Wise

You enjoy a good book. You like to get lost in someone else's world for an afternoon.

You are a deep thinker and a flexible person. You are open to new ideas and to change.

You are very upstanding and honest. You do your best to be true to yourself.

Brainy and knowledgeable, you are very independent. You have a lot to be proud of, but you're not a showoff.

To be honest, there were other smilies from which to choose that appealed more to me, but this one reminded me of a guy with a nickname of "StevieXXX" from my MSN Group days; he had a group devoted to smiley faces. The smiley looks like a cow's udder and Stevie was the biggest boob I ever met online.

More than you'll ever need to know: Smiley info on Wiki

Nothin' At All - Heart

I'm a sucker for pop music and especially Heart.

On a related note, I searched to see if I'd posted this tune before, and noticed all the other YT Heart songs had been removed.

May 4, 2010

Cute, Cuddly, Contagious

Cute, Cuddly, Contagious - that's the title of a recent Newsweek slide show. The description from the site:

Sweet, adorable creatures can also be hosts to some nasty bugs. 'Zoonotic diseases' are what scientists call illnesses that start in animals and then jump to humans. As many as 75 percent of newly emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, and thanks to globalization, zoonoses that start in China, Africa, or Latin America can easily make their way to America. We're not saying you shouldn't coo at the following photos of (mostly) fuzzy, itty-bitty animals. Just respect their ability to cause a global health pandemic.

Here's the first page of the slide show:

BUT....this is the "cover" page of the slide show when the link is clicked:

Patty Hearst, Obama and an illegal are "cute, cuddly and contagious"?