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June 3, 2010


From our Word of the Day feed:

swain \SWEYN\ , noun;

1. A male admirer or lover.
2. A country lad.
3. A country gallant

I sometimes wish I were a swain, although I'm glad I don't have one. That'd just be one more complicated problem in my life.

Dogs and Car Windows

This and other funny photos of dogs and car windows at Offbeat Earth

Are You Who, What, Where, or Why?

You Are Who

You are a very social person, and you are happiest when you're surrounded by a big group of friends.

You're interested in people, and you always want to hear about what's going on in someone else's life.

You are friendly and optimistic. People inspire you, and they rarely get under your skin.

You believe that you can learn from each person. You listen carefully to learn what people have to teach you.

Who Are You? - The Who