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August 26, 2010


orthoepy\ awr-THOH-uh-pee \ , noun;
1. The study of correct pronunciation.
2. The study of the relationship between the pronunciation of words and their orthography.

This is something I should study before old-timers Alzheimer's disease sets in.

I Am Spock

Your Brain is Logical

You are a very facts and figures oriented person. You don't get clouded by emotion.

You like to understand how things work, and you're always collecting data of some sort.

You are a critical thinker. You are look at all the facts before you make a decision.

You aren't likely to change your mind once it's made up, but new facts could sway you - emotional appeals could not.

August 25, 2010

We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister

Just a little reminder to Congress, aimed at both leftist progs. and neo-con right-wingers


galore\ guh-LOHR \ , adjective;

1. In abundance; in plentiful amounts.

The only thing that's galore around these parts are my bills.

To be honest, the first thing I thought of when I saw today's Word of the Day was the character in Goldfinger.

Shame on me ... for being a James Bond fan.

August 24, 2010

No Goatee for Old Goats

For about a month, up until yesterday, I've been trying to grow a goatee. I've got, IMHO, a pretty fair mustache and have had one for most of my adult life, having shaved it off only a few times, then immediately started growing it back.

My 'stache is one thing; hair on the rest of my body is another story. Not to get too personal, but I only have about half a dozen hairs on my chest and none on my back (thank God for the latter). I've never been able to grow a beard, though, but as I've grown older the hair on my face has become a little bit thicker, so I thought I'd try to at least grow some on my chin.

As I said, I gave it a month but it just didn't look good....sparse, with far too much white and gray hair. (and as I grow older, I am getting a lot more hair IN my ears...it's white too, dammit) Looking at myself in the mirror yesterday, I lamented that I'll probably never be able to grow a beard, then it dawned on me just who I resembled with my silly-looking chin hair.

I didn't want to take a photo, because even as much as I like to self-deprecate to get a laugh, I didn't want people REALLY laughing at me. Instead, I did a Google search and found a near-perfect likeness:

As I gazed in the mirror, a voice in my head said:

"Ru rook redicurous."