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July 27, 2011

It Don't Mean Jack

I haven't been doing a lot in this blog; even though my computer is near my air conditioner, the heat wave has sapped my inspiration. As a result of fewer posts, the blog has been getting fewer visitors. It usually gets an average of 75 hits per day on the counter, but this last month the number has dropped to 50. To be honest, I enjoy having the "larger" amount of visitors, but it doesn't mean anything other than a fluctuating interest in this blog...and since I don't have any paying ads, it means even less than nothing. IOW, no jack means it don't mean jack. -grin-

Clicking on the graphic a couple of days ago, I noticed a fairly significant spike in visitors over the weekend.

It was too late to see exactly what the visitors were coming to see on the other counter, but I had a suspicion. Sure enough, checking through the TV listings for last weekend, I found that Cast Away had been shown several times over a couple of days. In fact, while waiting on another movie to start, I had watched the last fifteen minutes of Cast Away and that's when I noticed something strange.

After doing a cursory search, I found that others had noticed the same thing. When Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) visits his ex-fiancee Kelly Frears (Helen Hunt)and is driving away, Hunt runs down the driveway of her house after him, yelling - what it sounds like to me and others - "Jack....JACK!"

Since the Hanks character's name is "Chuck", I guess Hunt didn't mean Jack either.


hoary \HAWR-ee\ , adjective;
1. Tedious from familiarity; stale.
2. Gray or white with age.
3. Ancient or venerable.

The first time I remember hearing this word was in a spelling contest in the 6th grade. We were each given a word and having to stand up and spell it. We let out a few giggles when the word was said; the teacher immediately admonished us to be mature and that the word meant nothing like it sounded and that it wasn't even spelled like that. Then the girl given the word spelled it "like that":


That's when our giggles turned into out-and-out laughter.

That memory never gets hoary, even though I am.

July 20, 2011


zugzwang \TSOOK-tsvahng\
1. A situation in which a player is limited to moves that have a damaging effect.

An example given was regarding chess, but it could also describe our votes for politicians. We all need to remember the lesser of two evils is still evil.

July 14, 2011

Harry Potter is Evil

The number of comments on the Harry Potter Facebook page "proves" it.
