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May 19, 2012

They're Expensive Hear

I've been using a cheap set of headphones I bought from WalMart to replace another cheap set I bought from Amazon a few years ago, so I thought I might price them again and see if there was one of decent quality that wouldn't cost too much.

These sound OK, but they just don't have the range I'd like.  For one, the bass  level isn't very good.  I've gone into the equalizer and tried to adjust it, but these phones just won't handle it.  They also don't have the volume I want; they're perfectly fine listening to talk radio or most music, but when I play my AC/DC I want it LOUD, y'know? (what's the use of listening to it if it's not played at the intended sound level, nearly enough to bust your eardrums!)

I have some good quality "bud" type phones that give me the volume and sound that I want, but they're uncomfortable and I read something just the other day that said they can give you an infection that can cost you your hearing.  No thanks, if I lose my hearing I want it to be because I played "It's a Long Way to the Top" at too many decibels, not from some eardrum rot.

So, I went to Amazon and typed in "headphones" into the search box, then selected the highest rating,  4 stars and up. I probably shouldn't, but trust most of the reviews there and haven't been steered wrong...yet.

A list of headphones came up, so I clicked on the first one. At the top of the screen were the words "You purchased this item..." and gave a date from a few years ago. They weren't BAD headphones, but they just didn't tolerate me sitting on them or getting up and trying to walk away with them still on my head. The set still works, but only if I hold one of the wires "just so". I don't know why I keep them, but figure they'll be good for something someday - maybe I can fix them or use the jack for something else.

Yeah, right.

I don't remember what I paid for the original headphones, but they were new.  They're not something I would buy used - the thought of putting something on my ears that have been on someone else's grosses me out.  The new price is really reasonable for an inexpensive set of headphones, but I really don't think I want to pay that much for used ones. (click image for larger view)

May 17, 2012

Nacho Usual Quiz

You Are Nachos

You are outgoing and generous. You love to share your life with other people.

You are carefree and light-hearted. You try to always make the best of things.

While you enjoy being with other people, you also value your alone time.

You like to reflect, think, and pick things apart. You like to study everything carefully.

Again, this quiz is pretty much spot on. OTOH, I probably flatter myself just like it did.  Nachos ARE just about my favorite Mexican(type of) food.  Not a big fan of it, not like most of my friends and family.  I'd rather have a hamburger or Chinese.

Good News!

Only my head is fat.

I was reading a post in my reader - How I Eat - by well-known food author and personality David Lebovitz, and saw a link to the CDC BMI Calculator (BMI - Body Mass Index)

I've figured my BMI before, but it's been a while. I remember doing it about 10 years ago on my mom's computer and getting the results that I was "morbidly obese". Yikes. I was concerned, but my mom reassured me (which mothers do so well) that I wasn't all that fat and that she was sure there were other variables to take into consideration, such as body frame, muscularity, etc. Still, when I have seen BMI calculators since that time, I avoided them.  I didn't need the reminder that I was fat - the little tag on my pants told me I was every time I put them on.

I went ahead and plugged in my height - 5'11" - and weight - 185lbs - and it told me this:

Your BMI is 25.8, indicating your weight is in the Overweight category for adults of your height. For your height, a normal weight range would be from 133 to 179 pounds

Overweight? Six lousy pounds and that makes me fat? Good grief, if I was 133 lbs. I'd have to move somewhere there was no wind, far away from the Texas Panhandle.  Remembering what my momma had told me, and hoping for different/better results,  I found another BMI Calculator. It gave me the same number but also added this:

People falling in this BMI range are considered overweight and would benefit from finding healthy ways to lower their weight, such as diet and exercise. Individuals who fall in this range are at increased risk for a variety of illnesses. If your BMI is 27-29.99 your risk of health problems becomes higher. In a recent study an increased rate of blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease was recorded at 27.3 for women and 27.8 for men. It may be a good idea to check your Waist Circumference and compare it with the recommended limits.

So, that's what I did, going to the Body Fat Calculator. As a male, all I had to supply was my waist measurement. Women have to input their wrist, hips and forearm measurements. I'm not sure why that it's so simple for men. I found it odd that women have to input so much more to quantify their body fat, but I went on. I don't think I have any sort of tape other than a retractable one, but I did know my pants size - 32 - so I used that. After hitting the Calculate Body Fat button, I got this:

You have a Body Fat Percentage of 12.55%.

Hmmm...that didn't sound so bad. Maybe not good, but not bad. I remember the chart from using the calculator at mom's that I was something like 30% fat back then.  My pants size back then was larger too, probably a 40. I clicked on the Body Fat Chart and found this:

Body Fat Percentage Categories
Classification    Women (% fat)    Men (% fat)

Essential Fat   10-12%                 2-4%
Athletes          14-20%                 6-13%
Fitness            21-24%                14-17%
Acceptable      25-31%                18-25%
Obese             32%+                   25%+

Wow. I fall within the "Athlete" category, never mind that I'm far from being one these days. I understood the results, though and was pleased that while I'm technically overweight, I'm by no means FAT.

Of course, there's also the need to factor in that there are days I'm a few pounds more than I was today and that on other days I'm a few pounds less. Water weighs 8.3 lbs/gallon and my weight can go up when I'm fully hydrated, down when I need to drink. I drink a lot of water because I know that doing so helps me control my weight and blood sugar.

Yep, water weighs a lot and that's why I shake the heads of broccoli at the grocery store before putting them in the sack. I don't want to pay $1.99/lb. for excess water.

If I was broccoli, I'd cost $368.15. Any bidders? You gotta take the 23 lbs. of fat with me, though.

Edit to add: I bought some broccoli at the store earlier; it was .99 cents/lb. on sale.  I'd be willing to cut MY price by half, too.

May 15, 2012

May 14, 2012


This is just a test.  Do not attempt to adjust the dial. 

Just joking...I'll explain later.

I did not know there was a Blogger page to see the most recently updated blogs.

I made the post, then kept checking.  I wasn't for sure if I'd get an update without clearing my cache, but it turned out I didn't need to do that;  all I did was keep reloading the page.  Hundreds of entries appeared and I had to use the search feature on my browser to find this post.

I found the link while reading about a conservative blog being closed by Blogger. (which is owned by Google) I'm not sure there's a concerted effort by Google to shut down anything conservative (although I DO think they're in bed with this progressive govt.) but rather the blog was probably marked as spam by readers who were offended by the posts on the blog. 

Who knows?  Either way it's a bad thing; if Google IS censoring a conservative viewpoint, then it should alarm everybody, no matter what their political affiliation.  If the shut down is due to reader complaints, it's not any better - I'd hate to have my blog deleted due to something totally out of my control, with absolutely no recourse or having anyone hear my case. (Google offers no "live support" for Blogger)

I've read several articles lately about how it's much better to have your own domain if you want to host your blog.  I've read some say how to get your own space, then use Blogger as your template.  Seems to me as though that would almost be as dependent upon Blogger as having a free blog w/ their service.

I don't know;  I'm not sure if it's worth the yearly cost of hosting or the fee for buying a domain name and the hassle of renewing it.  Still, it's something I'm thinking of checking into but I'm not convinced that with what little I do with this free service that I would suddenly do more with something I've paid for. I don't know enough about anything to make people want to read what I write and I'm sure that even if I did, I couldn't make a living being a professional blogger.

Still, the idea of being at the mercy of Google/Blogger has me a little uneasy. It's given me a lot to think about.

Stay tuned, will let you know.