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October 30, 2012

My Imaginary Friend

Here's a photo I took of my imaginary friend.

See? I told you I wasn't crazy.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Today's StartSampling trivia contest question was this:

Who Am I?  Try your luck at this contest! We have provided information about a product character or icon. Can you guess who it is? With his toga-style outfit of leaves, green skin, and impressive stature, it's hard to miss this icon. Who is this icon? Good luck!

Sometimes I have to Google the answer on some of these advertising questions, but not today.  Being a child raised on '60's TV, the answer was easy.

That reminds me of an old joke from my junior high days:

What do you have if you have a big green ball in one hand and another big green ball in the other?

Total control over the Jolly Green Giant.

October 29, 2012

The Galloping Gourmet

Better than 90% of the Food Network programs on today, The Galloping Gourmet was one of my favorite TV shows when I was growing up.   I'll never forget watching the show right before lunch one summer and my dad coming in from work and growling "What are you watching?"  I told him it was a cooking show and I think he probably wondered what sort of boy he had sired.  It didn't take but a few minutes of watching before he too was laughing at Graham Kerr's funny stories and cooking techniques, both done with frequent gulps from the ubiquitous glass of wine always at hand.

If you've got 20 or so minutes, watch this video;  if you're pressed for time, at least watch the first few minutes to understand why I loved this show and how it was the forerunner of today's cooking shows.  Julia Child had the first well-known cooking show, but Graham Kerr was the best!

Beer and Rump Pot Roast

October 28, 2012

Big Hits

More than a little annoyed at the end of the Cowboys/Giants game, I got online to try to take my mind off it. I wasn't going to visit any of the rash of doom 'n gloom posts that have hit my reader and were being posted on the Cowboys website and Facebook pages so I decided I'd pop in here and check the stats, see who has been visiting and what they were looking at.

I'd noticed quite a few hits yesterday on my Cast Away posts and the movie must have played on TV and I didn't notice it in the listings. The Feedjit stats showed that, but don't tell the entire story; many people have the Do Not Track extension on their browser so their visits won't show up on it or have some other "stealth" application or add-on. Unless they have Blogger cookies blocked, however, it will show up on the Blogger stats. (and I've previously blocked some of the tracking stuff, but I won't be able to see the top navbar and have to go in via the dashboard to create a post or look at the stats) Looking at the day's stats, I noticed there had been quite an increase in traffic earlier.

As you can see, there was quite a few visitors, relatively speaking, that came to this blog. ("relatively", because ToTG doesn't get all that many visits.  200/day is fairly avg., sometimes more, sometimes less.) I have it set to not track my own page views or the visits would double on the days I have nothing better to do than come in here.

I decided to switch to the "day" mode on the stats and saw this:

90+ visitors in a matter of a few hours. Wow. Wish it would be like that all the time; I would put in some paying ads...which would probably drive the traffic away.  I also wish the Cowboys had put that many hits on Eli Manning.

I'm glad I'm not trying to make a living at this blogging thing.