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November 25, 2012

404 Error

Kept getting this error page earlier on a video site - it's one of the more humorous ones I've seen lately.

(click for larger view)

Not sure what a broken TV has to do with a website, but I got the gist of it. Actually, that's how I often feel after watching the Dallas Cowboys play.

How To Fix a 404 Not Found Error

35 Entertaining 404 Error Pages

November 24, 2012


From the Word of the Day module (in left-hand column)

potvaliancy pot-val·iant [pot-val-yuhnt] adjective
brave only as a result of being drunk.

Interesting word, and one of which I wasn't familiar...although it seems as though that should be "drunkvaliancy"; "potvaliancy" would be brave as a result of being stoned, although that might very well be an oxymoron.

November 23, 2012

The Crying Towel

Opened up my mailbox just now and found the usual junk mailings but there was also a small padded mailer from Proctor Gamble, the company that makes Tide (tm) detergent.  I ripped it open to find a freebie I had requested over a month ago, a Dallas Cowboys hand towel similar to the smaller of these:

It's only appropriate that I get it the day after Dallas lost to Washington. It's a nice little towel, but it's not big enough to soak up my tears.

Just kidding. As disappointing as that loss was to a division rival, the sun still came up this morning, I'm still alive and life goes on. I WOULD like to have a few thousand more of these towels to stick in the mouths of those who call in to sports talk shows, griping about the coaching staff, the quarterback, the owner and "know" how to fix what ails the Pokes. If they are so smart, why aren't THEY coaching a pro football team?

Time to Take a Television Trivia Test

Are you a TV trivia buff? Take the quiz.

From the site: Ever since Philo T. Farnsworth, David Sarnoff, and Vladimir Zworykin started toying with vacuum tubes in the early part of the 20th century, we've been intrigued by the box with moving pictures and sound. Try your hand at our television trivia quiz.

TV Trivia Quiz

I didn't do so hot. I did miss a few when second guessing myself. I'm not sure if I should be a little disappointed that I missed so many or happy that I DON'T know that much about television.  There are all kinds of questions, from classic TV to present time and several questions about British programs.


I Didn't Need a Quiz

To tell me this!

You Are Carefree
You are always brimming with excitement and possibilities. You love to experiment and learn.

You like to go wherever life takes you. You have no rules or routine.

You are a true free spirit. You do whatever works. If what works changes, you'll change too.

You don't value structure or order much in your life. It kills the spontaneity.