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May 27, 2013


mordacious mor·da·cious [mawr-dey-shuhs] adjective

1. biting or given to biting.
2. sharp or caustic in style, tone, etc.

Many message board comments are unnecessarily mordacious.

The Olympics & War

The Olympics have been canceled five times because of war; once during WWI in 1916, before the Winter Olympics were introduced, and four times during WWII, both summer and winter games in 1940 and 1944.

Chain Gang - Sam Cooke

Love Sam Cooke's music and especially this song. My folks had several of his albums and I almost wore them out playing them over and over again.

The Funky Wall Test

I liked all the walls, but after careful consideration, I chose the metal one. If you had a floor drain, you could just hose them off.

You Are Independent

You live a self-directed, autonomous life. While no person is an island, you do your best.

You like to have the freedom to choose as much as you can. You know what's best for you, and you enjoy being self-reliant.

You hit a wall when you are force to cooperate or work in a group. You don't work well with others, even if you are the leader.

In fact, you can do any group task more easily and quickly simply on your own. And that's what you end up doing.

You break through walls on your own - using your own means and your own schedule. You are best when left to your own devices.

You trust yourself more than anyone else in your life, and you should. You have a great track record. 

Dueling Philosophers

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

-George Santayana

It is the soothing thing about history that it does repeat itself.

-Gertrude Stein