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November 7, 2013

Movies Made From SNL Skits

The first Hollywood movie made from a Saturday Night Live skit was The Blues Brothers (1980). Others followed: Wayne's World (1982), Wayne's World 2 (1993), Coneheads (1993), It's Pat (1994), Stuart Saves His Family (1995), A Night at the Roxbury (1998), Blues Brothers 2000 (1998), Superstar (1999), The Ladies Man (2000) and MacGruber (2010).

They should have stopped after The Blues Brothers.

Bad news: A Night at the Roxbury 2 is in the works, as well as a Waynes World 3

Spur Maker

White Tea For Me

You Are White Tea

You are a gentle person who tends to prefer quiet and contemplation over excitement and action.

You have always naturally been lower energy, and you even have slowed down more as you have matured. You like to savor.

You look for quality in all aspects of your life. You intuitively understand people and appreciate authentic relationships.

Like white tea, you are subtle and unveil yourself slowly. You have a depth that others take time to discover.

I can't recall ever having white tea; I've tried quite a few other kinds; Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Chai, Green and others and all sorts of herbal teas (properly called Tisanes) but never White. After seeing this quiz yesterday, I put some in my Amazon shopping cart (only six bucks and one of the highest rated) and will complete the purchase when I have enough in total to qualify for free shipping. I probably should sign up for Amazon Prime, but I'm usually in no hurry to receive my items.

As I've mentioned before, sometimes these quizzes are so far off from what and who I am they're absurd, but this one is pretty spot-on for me, esp. the second paragraph.

November 6, 2013

I Ate All Your Halloween Candy

Jimmy Kimmel asked his viewers with children to tell them they had eaten all their Halloween candy and to videotape it.


pol [pol] noun Informal

a politician, especially one experienced in making political deals, exchanging political favors, etc.

Or, for about 97% of them: scum, dirtbag, whale poop, snake belly, crook, thief, liar, moocher, leech, idiot and a bunch more that aren't fit for print.