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November 25, 2013

I Like Generous Portions

For myself, anyway.

You Are a Generous Cook

For you, cooking is a way of taking care of people. You like your friends and family to be well fed.

The things you cook tend to be crowd pleasers. You don't mind making a dish time and time again.

Of all the types, you are the most likely to give away your food. You're often baking or cooking for someone.

You're also the type least likely to experiment drastically. You're already a good cook... why mess with what works? 

November 23, 2013

Winning Solitaire

Ever play Solitaire? I haven't, not in a long time, but it was cool when I won and the deck of cards would bounce onto the screen.

Too bad it happened so seldom.

Enjoy the special effects of winning Solitaire without every having to play the game!   The screen shot above is what happens with a single click; click on the screen multiple times for an impressive display of cascading cards.  Click fast and the screen will fill with cards.

Much of a time waster?  I suppose not, but it's cool.

November 21, 2013

Ya'll Should Take This Quiz

You Are the South

You are laid back, friendly, and very welcoming to everyone. You were raised right and have good manners.

You have a good sense of where you came from. You are loyal to your friends and family.

You know how to have fun, and you love to kick back. You fit in anywhere - from five star restaurants to dives.

You tend to keep it casual and low maintenance, but you can dress to the nines when the occasion fits. You clean up well. 



snarky snark·y [snahr-kee] adjective, snark·i·er, snark·i·est.
Chiefly British Slang
testy or irritable; short.

This is a word I never used until I started participating in MSN Groups, message boards and forums. Then I saw a LOT of snark...and got some of my own.