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April 26, 2014

Hey Mami - Josh Turner

Featuring Sam Helferich

Not my favorite video from young Mr. Turner, but one of the most interesting, using a phone app for overdubbing.

April 25, 2014


rile [rahyl] verb (used with object), riled, ril·ing.
Chiefly Northern and North Midland U.S.

1. to irritate or vex.
2. to roil (water or the like).

I definitely know this word, because too many things rile me on the Internet; sometimes it's the news, but most often it's somebody whose comments go beyond the pale.  I'm getting better, though, but I sometimes will still sign up for an account just to reply to some jerk on a forum I'll never visit again.

I don't let too many people rile me on Facebook because I've already blocked most of the a-holes who post to the pages I follow.  I also do it for a few people who are friends with some of my Facebook friends but I don't want to get into it with them on my friend's wall, just out of respect for them.

I've quit commenting on YouTube videos because 99% of the time the person making some outrageous statement knows absolutely nothing about the subject.

April 23, 2014


frivol friv·ol [friv-uhl]

Informal verb (used without object, friv·oled, friv·ol·ing or ( especially British ) friv·olled, friv·ol·ling.

1. to behave frivolously; trifle.

verb (used with object), friv·oled, friv·ol·ing or ( especially British ) friv·olled, friv·ol·ling.

2. to spend frivolously (usually followed by away ): to frivol away one's time.

This blog is a frivol. Come to think of it, my entire life has been a frivol.

April 22, 2014

April 21, 2014

Would Be Glad to be a Grad

You Are Grad School
You are brilliant, studious, and even a little bit eccentric. You're willing to live life on your own terms.

You believe in education, and you want as much of it as you can get. No one can take your education away from you.

You are a geek at heart, and you love learning. You'd like to get paid to study and teach, even if those jobs are hard to come by.

And even if you can't work in academia, you'll always be an academic at heart. You love the idea of required reading.


The Red Baron

Today in history:  Manfred von Richthofen aka "The Red Baron" was shot down and killed near Amiens on 21 April 1918.

red baron photo red_baron_soar_dr1_hw_zps069b9409.gif

Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron - Royal Guardsmen