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July 11, 2014

Test Your Vocabulary

Test Your Vocabulary

I did, and thanks to this blog's Word of the Day and other word posts, I knew quite a few more words I did before starting doing them.

There were quite a few on the last page of the quiz that I didn't know;  some sounded familiar and I *think* they had been featured on Word of the Day, but I didn't know for sure and didn't want to cheat.

Christopher Walken Dances

List of movies in comments.

July 10, 2014

What Work of Art Are You?

You Are Self Portrait

You are clever and innovative. You're the first to admit that you're a bit of a mad genius.

You are introspective, and you believe that it is important to know yourself well. 

You are constantly learning more about how you tick.

You are a true introvert, and you can spend days alone perfecting your craft. You are your own best friend.

You don't mind routine or practice. You are willing to do something over and over until you get it just right. 


Funky Town

Fantastic cover by Josh Turner, et al.

July 9, 2014


foofaraw\ FOO-fuh-raw \ noun

1. a great fuss or disturbance about something very insignificant.
2. an excessive amount of decoration or ornamentation, as on a piece of clothing, a building, etc.

This might be best to use in a forum to belittle someone's silly rant, not said aloud. (if nothing else, you'd make them look it up) I'm sure if you used it in a sentence talking to someone,  you'd just get puzzled looks.

July 8, 2014

Ant Trivia

Ants have the largest brain of any insect.  Some ant species have 14-15% of their mass in their brains.

Biologists estimate that there are about 1.5 million ants for each human on this planet.  Their combined weight is more than all living humans.

Ants have been around since the dinosaurs.

Some species of ants have slaves.

Ants invented farming before humans did.

Source(s): Bug Facts + 8 Things You Might Not Know About Ants