Welcome to ToTG!

September 6, 2014


troth [trawth, trohth] noun

1. faithfulness, fidelity, or loyalty: by my troth.
2. truth or verity: in troth.
3. one's word or promise, especially in engaging oneself to marry.

Or it could be thumthing a horth drinkth out of.

Mantis Fly Swatter

September 5, 2014

Wired Up

I always heard coffee wires some people up, but I never thought that meant literally.

Mutant Giant Spider Dog

September 4, 2014

My Bucket List

You Should Write a Book

You may not feel like you could write a book, but you actually have a lot to say. Just let it flow!

You already live in your own little world. You may as well introduce everyone else to it.

It's likely that you feel like you have a lot of baggage you'd like to unload, and writing can be cathartic.

By writing a book, you would feel a huge sense of accomplishment. And you'd have a legacy to leave behind. 


I used to have a lot of things on my bucket list (even before it was known as a "bucket list".) The funny thing is the closer I get to kicking the bucket, the smaller the list gets...even though I've yet to mark a single thing off it. IOW, I'm culling the unreasonably attained things off the list.

For example, I used to want to ride a bull.  I probably wouldn't have ridden it for eight seconds, but I used to think I'd want to at least try.  That's probably not...no, strike that...that's definitely not a good idea now at my age. 

Other things, such as skydiving, are still possible, but maybe not a good idea.  I still think I have the nerve, but not so sure my old bones could handle a hard landing.  I definitely wouldn't want to do it strapped to a certified skydiver, that always struck me as something less than actually skydiving.  No, it's solo or not at all. 

There are places I want to see before I die, such as the beaches on Normandy where the D-Day landings took place.   There are several countries I'd like to visit, but there are places I want to see here in the good ol' U.S. more than I would them.

I'd really would like to write a book, but the trouble with that is most of my ideas I have for writing a book came from books I have read.

I'd still like to seduce a nun, though.