Welcome to ToTG!

August 21, 2015

What's Your Food Personality?

You Like Fun Food

You eat simply because you enjoy it, and you love food. You especially love delicious food.

You're not too into foodie trends or the newest diet. If you like something, you'll eat it - simple as that.

You love everything culinary. You love to cook, go out to eat, and grocery shop.

There's nothing you like better than sharing a good meal with friends. Except occasionally keeping it to yourself! 


August 18, 2015

Cat Roundup

Well, trying to round them up.

Felix the Cat

One of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid.

August 15, 2015

360° Flying

I love flying vids and think I've seen most of them on YouTube but this is a first and I hope more videos will use this interactive format.

The camera is behind the pilot in the P-51, but use the controls in the top left hand corner to see the F-22 flying in formation for most of the flight.


From the Examiner.com website:

We can't find the page you've specified. The address may have changed or we may be experiencing a temporary site hiccup.

Maybe you guys need some Internet bicarb.