Welcome to ToTG!

September 7, 2015

To All

Here's hoping that everyone who visits this blog - friends, family and everyone else - has a:

September 6, 2015


astraphobia noun [as-truh-foh-bee-uh]

An abnormal fear of thunder and lightning

I love to watch lightning and hear the thunder, but prefer to watch it off in the distance. Like most normal people, I'm afraid of getting hit by lightning and have had some close calls in the past.

To calculate how far away the lightning strike is, use the "flash-to-bang" method: count the seconds after you see the flash, then divide by five to get the number of miles you are from the lightning. The National Weather Service recommends taking cover if the time between the lightning flash and the rumble of thunder is 30 seconds or less, which indicates the lightning is about 6 miles away or closer.

Lightnin' Strikes - Lou Christie

Close Lightning Strike Compilation

Warning: some cursing...and I can't say as I blame 'em.  I wouldn't even go so far as to call it "inappropriate".

Flippin' Out

You Are Genuine

You are focused and inner-directed. You know who are, and you live a very authentic life.

You are quite modest and never too in love with yourself. You aren't perfect, and you don't take yourself too seriously.

You are more ambitious than you let on. You strive to be better without beating up on yourself.

You are highly effective, and others have taken notice. People want to be like you when they see who you really are. 


The title of this quiz post is an homage to an old friend; he was manic-depressive (or bi-polar, if you prefer) and his mood swings were severe, going from sleeping for days at a time to staying awake days at a time, frantically painting or writing. Most of the time his mood was even, though, but when he felt a bout coming on, he'd tell me "I'm goin' to see Aunt Jemima." (meaning, "flipping out", as in pancakes.

Personally, I'd have rather visited with Betty Crocker or even Little Debbie, but that's just me. (not a racist, I just prefer cakes and sweet snacks over pancakes)

September 5, 2015

Walking Around the World

In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of five times around the equator.

And later in life, most of those miles will be accumulated in the middle of the night, getting up to go to the bathroom.

In keeping with the long-time usual every now and then ToTG custom of a topical/related music video to accompany a trivia post, heres....

Walking the Floor Over You - Ernest Tubb

September 4, 2015

Friday Funny: Formation Feline Feeding

Because there's not nearly enough cat videos on the 'net.