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November 17, 2015


Panglossian   adjective [pan-glos-ee-uh n, - glaw-see-, pang-]

characterized by or given to extreme optimism, especially in the face of unrelieved hardship or adversity

This would describe most of we die-hard Cowboys fans as we drink our blue Kool-Aid.

November 16, 2015

New Definition of "A-List" Celebrities

I was looking through a TV/movie website earlier and saw the series Running Wild with Bear Grylls hosted by the survival "expert" Bear Grylls (I previously wrote about him, hence the "expert" in quotation marks). I watched an episode of his earlier show, Man vs. Wild, where Grylls was accompanied by Will Ferrell and while I found it mildly amusing, I wasn't impressed. I had hoped the celebrity accompanying Grylls would at least take it a bit more seriously, if for nothing other to keep up the farce that they were ever in any real danger.

This new show's description reads: Bear Grylls, British adventurer, takes A-list celebrities on wild outdoor adventures, pushing them beyond their comfort zone.  There are a couple of people on this list I am not familiar with, but knew the rest.  I intend to watch the episodes with Kate Hudson (so cute!) and Kate Winslet (be still my beating heart) but I am not particularly enthused about watching any of the rest...I might or I might not. 

That said, it's the description I have some problems with;  while some of the celebs are definitely on the "A-List", I am pretty sure some others aren't, one in particular.  I've given a hint on the screenshot below. 

(Click for larger view)

I don't have anything against Tom Arnold;  he was really good in True Lies, but he's not someone I care to see much of in anything. He's "B-List" at best.

November 13, 2015

Lethal Buzz

A lethal dose of caffeine is about 10 grams or a hundred cups of coffee consumed within 4 hours.

November 12, 2015


F-G-H and J-K-L are the only three consecutive letter sets on a QWERTY style keyboard and they are right next to each other.

November 11, 2015

Lots of Licks

It takes somewhere between 144 and 411 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie PopTM

For your musical enjoyment, a topical video: