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October 10, 2007

I'm a Squeaky Wheel

But refused to get "greased".

I was watching TV yesterday afternoon and a 3M advertisement came on, showing a new product, an "easel pad" that sticks to the wall, similar to a desktop "scratch pad".

They offered a free one if you went to their website, but when I did, I found a note that said "All samples are gone.".

That made me angry...why advertise something --even something free -- if you don't have the product? That's the first step in the classic business con game "bait 'n switch" and I emailed them and told them so, also saying that such practices made me think less of ALL of their products.

I got an email from them just now saying they'll be sending me one of the pads.

I got the power.


Barb said...

read this lat week and meant to comment. Geesh. Not like 3M and Velcro are going to go broke passing out free samples.

Mike said...

A few months back I bought a cholesterol test kit and it didn't work and griped to 'em and got a replacement.

I used to hardly complain about things, but here lately - and I'm sure it's because I'm gettin' old & cranky - I refuse to put up with poor service. I can take a bad mood, but don't have to tolerate someone being surly to me, esp. if my business where they work is paying their wages.

I get a LOT of free samples, all sorts of things. Even female-type things. Did you know a sanitary napkin makes a great pad to shine shoes?

Thanks for posting! (((hugs)))