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August 5, 2010


cheechako \ chee-CHAH-koh \, noun:

1. A tenderfoot; greenhorn; newcomer.

Oil field terminology isn't quite so kind to people starting out on the job; they're called "worms". (and if they're particularly inept, they're called "weevils", which is a worm's helper.)


文王廷 said...
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Mike said...

I don't know why you Chinese asshats keep spamming me; I get instant notifications when someone posts here.

How's it feel to go to the trouble of putting up your BS posts and have them deleted within five minutes?

Besides that, I turn you in to Blogger and you usually get your acct. frozen or deleted.

Like I said, you guys are asshats.

sharintexas said...

I've never heard the term asshat, Mike. It really sounds bad! LOL!

Mike said...

An asshat prob. isn't the best word; an asshat is someone who wears his hat on his ass because his head is so far up it. These guys are more dirtbags than anything else.

The websites these guys link to are those Asian soft porn types, full of scripts and other wicked crap.

The Chinese apammers/dirtbags usually leave some sort of Confucius-type saying; if they leave it in English, I leave their links up.

Thanks for posting!