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March 20, 2016

The Oracle of Bacon

Ever heard of or played the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game? It works on the premise that everyone in Hollywood has worked with Kevin Bacon or worked with someone who has worked with Kevin Bacon and can be linked in six steps or less.

Well, here's a great online version:

The premise is simple;  input the name of an actor/actress and click the button "Find Link" to see how he/she is connected to Kevin Bacon.  According to the site, any link of four or more is rare.  I would agree, because I've tried and tried and never done better than three.  Two links has been my average.  I've thought of some obscure films, B-movies and used the names of people who had insignificant roles in those flicks and have always been disappointed with the results.

Give it a go and tell us how you've done!

(a "bump" from March 25, 2012)

1 comment:

sharintexas said...

I put in my own name just for the heck of it and there were 2 women with my name in the movies. I think the link was 3 for both of them to Kevin. I put in my maiden name and it said I must have misspelled something!