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June 1, 2015

What Major Human Emotion Are You?

You Are Love
You find it easy to love. First of all, you love yourself - and that's extremely important.

You truly love your friends, and you even have a special love for all of humanity. Other people mean a lot to you.

You find it easy to express your feelings and get close to people. And while no friendship is perfect, you've mastered the art of forgiveness.

You are affectionate and caring. Your love can be anywhere from platonic to passionate, but it's always strong. 

Which begs the question...

1 comment:

Carolea said...

You may not feel afraid, but the emotions you express are those driven by fear.
This doesn't mean you're a wimp, but it does mean that you have a well honed sense of survival.

It's possible that you overreact to danger without realizing it. You worry easily.
Try to stop yourself whenever you feel dread, panic, or anxiety. Those are just ways of feeling fear...... I reckon I got this for being honest about my dpression. My sister Ruth says it runs in My Dad's side of the family. I've had so much stuff not my fault happen, so it is very easy for me to say I don't wanna get out of bed today. But a crackhead who used to live by us told me if something bad is coming for you, it is gonna come anyway ifin you are hiding or not, so life is short go out anyway!