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June 3, 2015

A Strange Quiz

From thePhotobucket archives:
Schwartzenegger has a big one

Michael J. Fox has a small one

Madonna doesn't have one

The Pope has one but doesn't use his

Clinton uses his all the time

Lady GaGa's is Both

Mickey Mouse has an unusual one

George Burns' was hot

Liberace never used his on women

Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his

We never saw Lucy use Desi's

What is it?

Hold down cursor and drag between (  )  for answer:

("A Last Name." )


Alison said...

Oh good one ,you had Chester laughing ( me too ) I like the way you had the answer hidden until we dragged the curser ,thanks for the laugh :)

Mike said...

Glad you liked it! Thanks f/ posting and hope you're keeping the Big G in line over there!