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Showing posts with label google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google. Show all posts

September 17, 2009

Is There?

Uh, about the second result...I'd have to say "Yep". There was no need to Google the answer.

September 11, 2009


puissant \PWISS-uhnt; PYOO-uh-suhnt; pyoo-ISS-uhnt\ , adjective:
1. Powerful; strong; mighty; as, a puissant prince or empire.

If you used that word around these parts to describe someone as strong, you'll probably get knocked on your butt.

In a related note, I noticed that "alliterative insults" is a Google search that leads folks to this post here in ToTG.

August 18, 2009

How Long?

Another strange Google search auto-complete.

August 16, 2009

Cast Away Locations in Google Maps

Since I've had thousands hundreds a few requests via email for the exact locations of the farm house and intersection used at the first and last scenes in Cast Away, I decided I'd embed a Google map to show just where they are.

For greater detail, click on the link "View Larger Map" at the bottom of the embed.

View Larger Map

I've got it set to the intersection but you can drag the map upwards* to see the farm house.

*Go up/North by dragging the map DOWNWARDS with your cursor.

Since I couldn't put a "push pin" in the map, I wasn't for sure just how I would pinpoint the locations, then found out by opening up the larger map, then clicking "More" and checking the box "Photos", there were a couple of photographs of each location, allowing the viewer to zoom out and see a better map by selecting "Map" at the top of the Google Map page.

After following those convoluted instructions, you should see something like this:

The top photo is the location of the farm house; the bottom one is the intersection.

Google Maps won't let you zoom in too close, but at least by having the two photos as "placemarks" in lieu of "push pins", you can have some idea of just where the locations are.

If you have the Google Earth application, you can download a .kml file with the locations at this page on Waymarking.com

Here are the two main posts about those locations:

Cast Away Crossroads

Arrington Ranch House

Edit to add: I had noticed my Cast Away posts were still among the most searched for articles in my blog and decided to check them - to correct grammar errors, "clean up" a few sentences, center the photos, etc. and I noticed that when I followed the directions to view the photographs in the larger map that they had disappeared - meaning that whoever had uploaded them had deleted them or their account(s).  I'll see if I can upload my own photos to those same spots on the map.  

August 8, 2009

More Cast Away Visitors

Checking the Feekjit counter just now, I noticed several hits in a row from Ireland, England and the Netherlands from search results on this blog's Cast Away posts. There's always an increase in visits when the movie is aired here in the U.S., so I figured it must have been shown on the BBC, and sure 'nuff, checking their website's Cast Away listing, it came on earlier this evening. (England is six hours ahead of CST here in the Panhandle)

In case you've stumbled across this blog and did not know that we're up at or very near the top of search results for the movie locations, here are the posts:

Cast Away Crossroads

Arrington Ranch House

Those are the two main posts, but I've mentioned the movie in several others.

July 28, 2009

Strange Auto-Completes

When I use Google.

I've found some weird ones; here are a few:

April 18, 2009

February 26, 2009

Language Pwefewences

Click images for larger view.

I was changing some of my Google search preferences and noticed that "Elmer Fudd" was a language option.

January 2, 2009

Don't Mess With Taxes

I have a daily Google alert that notifies me every time another website links to this blog.

To be honest, it's been few emails and far between those few, although I was surprised to see that the award-winning financial blog Don't Mess With Taxes has put me into their "Fun beyond finances, really!" blog roll.

I've already written the owner of the blog, one Ms. S Kay Bell, thanking her for including me on her blog list. I also told her I probably should ask if she'd like her site listed here, but that it would be like me asking Tiger Woods to play a round of golf or challenging Jimmy Conners to an old-timer's tennis match.

I didn't ask about her reasons for slumming. I think I probably should warn her that hanging around joints like this can damage her reputation.

Like most anyone, I'm almost always grateful for any attention, but I'm wonderin' if there's gonna be ramifications to this.

The good news is this blog might very well double the avg. daily number of first-time visits from four to eight. ("first-time" because most people don't ever come back) I probably can handle the traffic and activity.

The bad news is I might get audited. I'm already having second thoughts about my Google alert for "Obama's Birth Certificate".

I don't wanna get sent to the death camps.

EDIT: I did some research on Ms. Bell and found out she's extremely cute, successful and a Texan, so I was thinking that since I'm one out of those three things....but it sucks to be me, she's married.

It would be nice to be married to a woman who knows how to handle and manage money. My ex, bless her heart, was the worst at that, even worse than me.