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Showing posts with label quizzes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quizzes. Show all posts

October 28, 2015

The Ice Cream Truck Test

You Are Emotional

You are a highly sensitive person, and you can't help but feel more than most people. Your senses are always in tune.
You are very protective of those around you. You hurt when they hurt, and you're happiest when they're happy.

You are sympathetic to anyone who is need or hurting, even if that person has hurt you in the process. You have a great capacity for compassion.

Naturally intuitive, you can sense what those around you are feeling, even if they are strangers. You can't help but tap into feelings.

You tend to be moody at times, but it's only because the emotional world is so amplified for you. It's easy to feel overwhelmed.

If you're a bit touchy, it's not personal. You often need time alone to process everything that is going on emotionally.

October 15, 2015

Are You a Bookworm?

You Are a Bookworm

You can't help it - you just love to read. And it's likely you've been reading since you were a kid.

You love to stick your nose in a book whenever you can, preferably the old fashioned paper variety.

You can get lost in a story or teach yourself a whole new skill with the right book. And even the worst books aren't that bad.

Reading is definitely your forte, but you're probably a good writer and editor too. You can only read so many words before you are good at crafting them. 

October 5, 2015

Which Ten Commandment?

Are you?
You Are "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother"

You may or may not have the most honorable parents, but you try to respect and honor them whenever possible.

In general, you think that people should focus on their families more. Charity begins at home.

You also believe that younger generations should do a better job taking care of their elders.

It saddens you to see how older people are treated in most cultures. You think it's truly a disgrace.


While I will admit to not respecting or honoring both my parents as much as I should have when they were alive, I'd say that most of the rest of the results are accurate.

While my own faith has diminished over the last few yrs., I still think the Ten Commandments are - for the most part - good to live by. I could get people arguing with me, but for good or bad, they're the basis for much of the western world's laws. (and no, I do not want to debate it)

One of the better photos I think I've ever taken at the Cross of Our Lord near Groom, Texas, has been this one of the Ten Commandments monument.

September 26, 2015

How Do You Live the Good Life?

You Live in the Present Moment

You try to live in the here and now. You are fully aware and focused on what's happening.

You figure the past is gone and can't be changed. And the future isn't here yet.

You don't overthink or overreact. You try to just be. What is most important is what's going on in this moment.

You find a lot of freedom in letting go of memories and worries. You are unburdened by life's timeline.

You are spontaneous, daring, and adaptable. You prefer to go with your gut than make a pro con list.

You have less baggage than most people. Each experience is new for you, and every moment is a fresh start. 

September 20, 2015

What Flavor Kit Kat Are You?

You Are a Dark Chocolate Kit Kat

You are a passionate and quick-tempered person. You know what you love, and you know what you hate.

You are very competitive and even a bit ruthless when you need to be. You have what it takes to get ahead.

You are a daredevil that loves to take risks. You pride yourself on your courageousness, and you love to test your own limits.

You have a real flair for adventure - and it starts with being impulsive. You do what you feel like, and you often feel like flying solo.

Not to wax philosophic about candy, but these results are spot-on...well, maybe I'm flattering myself a little bit...although I do like the regular milk chocolate ones, as well. Dark chocolate is supposed to be better for you, I've read.

They're just about my favorite candy bar. I don't think I ate them much until I saw Richard Simmons being interviewed and he was asked how to deal with chocolate cravings. He said he liked Kit Kats because he could open one up and eat just one segment and satisfy his craving. I was thinking "Yeah, right. Don't think I could stop at one little piece." and he added that he sometimes ate the whole thing. He went on to say that they were fairly low in fat compared to other candy bars.

These days I'm not so much worried about the fat than I am the grams of sugar, but it doesn't seem to affect my glucose levels as much as other sweets and doesn't even come close to what rice or pasta does to my blood sugar.

September 13, 2015

What's Your Ideal Pet?

No surprise here.  Spot-on analysis.

Your Ideal Pet is a Cat

You're both aloof, introverted, and moody.

And your friends secretly wish that you were declawed! 

September 8, 2015

Are You Compassionate Toward Yourself?

You Show Yourself Some Compassion

Whenever possible, you try to be easy on yourself. You aren't always compassionate, but you try.

You believe it's important to cut yourself a break, because no one else might. And you're doing the best you can.

You live a hectic life, and sometimes it's hard to find the time or energy for self-care. You are still looking for the right balance.

And when you're having a hard day, it may be difficult to not beat up on yourself a bit when you're feeling worn down.

No worries if you're not as self-compassionate as you'd like to be. You're getting there, and that's the important thing.

Remember to be easy on yourself in every way. Even when you make mistakes, it doesn't mean that you're broken. 

September 6, 2015

Flippin' Out

You Are Genuine

You are focused and inner-directed. You know who are, and you live a very authentic life.

You are quite modest and never too in love with yourself. You aren't perfect, and you don't take yourself too seriously.

You are more ambitious than you let on. You strive to be better without beating up on yourself.

You are highly effective, and others have taken notice. People want to be like you when they see who you really are. 


The title of this quiz post is an homage to an old friend; he was manic-depressive (or bi-polar, if you prefer) and his mood swings were severe, going from sleeping for days at a time to staying awake days at a time, frantically painting or writing. Most of the time his mood was even, though, but when he felt a bout coming on, he'd tell me "I'm goin' to see Aunt Jemima." (meaning, "flipping out", as in pancakes.

Personally, I'd have rather visited with Betty Crocker or even Little Debbie, but that's just me. (not a racist, I just prefer cakes and sweet snacks over pancakes)

September 3, 2015

What's Your Facebook Personality?

Your Facebook Personality is Friendly

You are good at getting people to let loose. You are the fun one in your group.

You use Facebook just to have fun. You don't have an agenda, and you avoid drama.

You easily feel lonely. You like to have a big social support system to count on.

You're happy to be Facebook friends with people you don't know well - as long as they're friendly too! 


August 27, 2015

What Do People Love About You?

Sometimes I wonder, but I'm glad I have quizzes like this one to validate my worth! ;-)

People Love That You Are Open and Confident

You're the type of person that's easy to get close to. You're very comfortable in your own skin.

You have no problem showing people who you are, and you're genuinely interested in them in return.

You are an accepting and involved friend. You are truly curious about what is going on in other people's lives.

You may be the first in your group of friends to express concern when someone is having a hard time or making bad decisions. It's only because you care so much. 

August 21, 2015

What's Your Food Personality?

You Like Fun Food

You eat simply because you enjoy it, and you love food. You especially love delicious food.

You're not too into foodie trends or the newest diet. If you like something, you'll eat it - simple as that.

You love everything culinary. You love to cook, go out to eat, and grocery shop.

There's nothing you like better than sharing a good meal with friends. Except occasionally keeping it to yourself! 


August 14, 2015

What's Your Happy Word?

Your Happy Word is "Bliss"

You are happy because you don't need a lot to be content. You experience happiness in the best and worst of times.

You see the divine in everything. You believe that every moment, person, and creature is unique and special.

You are an oasis of calm in this chaotic world. You never lose your head.

You can feel totally elated and exuberant from the smallest pleasures. You don't hold back when it comes to ecstasy. 

August 7, 2015

The Halftone Test

You Are Assertive

You are a direct and honest person. You have no problem asking for what you want in life.

You are self-reliant and confident. You believe you have as much right to be here as anyone else, and you aren't about to be pushed around.

The light side of you is highly independent and empowered. You enjoy life the best you can, on your terms.

You are extremely courageous and willing to put it all out on the line. You trust your decisions.

The dark side of you is blunt to the point of overwhelming others. You don't know how to be any way but honest.

You have a strong sense of justice, and it's hard for you to let go of times you've been wronged. You tend to hold a grudge. 

"You tend to hold a grudge." I don't know about the rest of the results, but that one is spot-on.

August 2, 2015

What Color House Should You Live In?

You Should Live in a Blue House

You are an intense thinker, but you also have a calm about you.

You spend a lot of time ruminating, trying to figure out this world you live in.

Friends think you're wise, and they come to you first for advice.

You are a realist, and you tell it like it is - even if how it is isn't pretty. 

July 19, 2015

What Should You Say in French?

A Texan, upon his first visit to Paris, saw the Eiffel Tower and said:
"Say, that's a pretty good-sized oil rig!"

You Should Say "Bonjour"

If you were to visit Paris, you would really be interested in the local's perspective on things.

You don't want a tourist experience - you want a real experience. You want to eat where Parisians eat and do what Parisians do.

It's probably best if you brush up on your French a little before visiting Paris. You've got to speak it if you want to meet local friends.

Start with "Bonjour" and go from there. Before long, you'll know how to ask where the best pan au chocolat is! 

July 14, 2015

Five Factor Personality Test

You are Neurotic and Open

You have low extroversion.

You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.

A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.

You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.


You have low conscientiousness.

Impulsive and off the wall, you don't take life too seriously.

Unfortunately, you sometimes end up regretting your snap decisions.

Overall, you tend to lack focus, and it's difficult for you to get important things done.


You have low agreeableness.

Your self interest comes first, and others come later, if at all.

In general, you feel that people are not to be trusted.

And you're skeptical that anyone else really feels differently.


You have medium neuroticism.

You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.

Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.

Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is high.

In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.

You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.

A great admirer of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything. 

July 6, 2015

What Country's Breakfast Are You?

You Are an American Breakfast

You are a real go-getter, and your ambitions start early in the morning. You need a hearty breakfast.

You wake up ready to take on the day. You are highly motivated and a self-starter - even on the weekends.

You are energetic, and even if you're lagging, you will force yourself to get moving. You don't let anything stop you.

You are charismatic and inspiring. People are impressed by what you're able to do, and you always provide yourself with the right fuel. 


Not so sure the descriptions of me in the results are accurate, but I DO love a good breakfast...at any time of the day.

July 1, 2015

What's Your EQ?

Your EQ is 113

You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.

On an average day, you're quite happy, together, and content. You live your life well.

Your emotions aren't always stable, but you can go along with the ups and downs pretty well.

You tend to be motivated, energetic, focused, and level headed.

You see the world pretty rationally, and you don't tend to over dramatize things. 

When things are bad, you know they eventually have to get better. 

June 25, 2015

I Don't Think Nuts

Are well-adjusted. Otherwise, we wouldn't be nuts, huh?

You Are Well-Adjusted

You are easygoing and take this world in stride. You can ride the ups and downs with ease.

You are calm and level-headed. You are the one that people turn to in a crisis, and you're a good person to have on any team.

You rarely have to deliberate when a decision needs to be made. You are very intuitive and know just what to do.

You are naturally family oriented, and you do your best to make your loved ones happy and comfortable. Giving comes naturally to you. 

What Does Your Favorite Nut Say About You?

Those are cashew nuts, btw, just in case you didn't know.  Not sure why the quiz results didn't mention what kind they were.  The quiz consists of a single question, namely what nuts are your favorite.

Cashews really ARE my favorite nut, although I do like most others, too.

"What kind of nut is your favorite, Mike?"



June 24, 2015

Lightning Safety Game

An entertaining and educational quiz,  Leon the Lion's Lightning Safety Game from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 

Guide Leon through the activities by alerting him whether is is SAFE or NOT SAFE during lightning.

IOW, you want Leon the Lion to look like this after each question:

 And not this: