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Showing posts with label screenshots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label screenshots. Show all posts

November 28, 2010

Grate Ejucashun

I've been keeping up with my alma mater's football team via their Facebook page: Miami Warriors Football Fan Page

I noticed something when I first "liked" the page and have kept waiting for someone to fix it.

I guess I shouldn't be hard on whoever started the page and wrote the description. They probably went to school there, just as I did...and you know how bad my own writing are is.

November 23, 2010

ABC Outs FN Chef!

As far as I am concerned, Fieri should just STAY in the closet.

August 22, 2010

Not Silver and Blue, But Green

Since I fell asleep during last nights Cowboys-Chargers pre-season game, I went to the Dallas football team's website to catch up on what I missed.

In this article: Brewster Makes Most Of Starting Role, there's an embedded video of an interview with the Cowboy rookie. Here's a screen shot:

screenshot of Cowboy's Brewster

I'm not sure what that green "noise" is in the vid, but it sure looks strange! It sort of looks like my tv does now, only it's a reddish tint and I'm sure it's from imminent picture tube failure.

This would be a good place to put a related "green" video, something like "Green Grass of Home" by Tom Jones or "Green Green" by the New Christy Minstrels.


May 18, 2010

YouTube Recommends

Cast Away is one of my favorite movies, and this blog is at the top or very nearly so in searches for the flick (well, at least for the scenes that were filmed near here) , but I think YT is overestimating my interest in the movie:

(click for larger view)

May 4, 2010

Cute, Cuddly, Contagious

Cute, Cuddly, Contagious - that's the title of a recent Newsweek slide show. The description from the site:

Sweet, adorable creatures can also be hosts to some nasty bugs. 'Zoonotic diseases' are what scientists call illnesses that start in animals and then jump to humans. As many as 75 percent of newly emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, and thanks to globalization, zoonoses that start in China, Africa, or Latin America can easily make their way to America. We're not saying you shouldn't coo at the following photos of (mostly) fuzzy, itty-bitty animals. Just respect their ability to cause a global health pandemic.

Here's the first page of the slide show:

BUT....this is the "cover" page of the slide show when the link is clicked:

Patty Hearst, Obama and an illegal are "cute, cuddly and contagious"?

March 3, 2010

Funny "Page Not Found" Message

Earlier while looking for the Texas primary election results, I got this "page not found" message at Texas Tribune:

February 4, 2010

Icy Roads Good for Business

From our KVII news feed:

KVII news feed icy roads

Icy roads may be good for business, but not-so-much for headlines.

January 25, 2010

January 23, 2010

Good Grief

I almost snapped my neck doing a double-take just now. I glanced down at the right-hand column and noticed the news feed

BUT, I had a smudge of something, a piece of lint or stray thread, just a tiny bit on the screen at the exact wrong spot and this is what I saw:

Like I said, Good Grief. It wasn't even really funny after I saw what the real article was about, but sometimes I like to try and get a laugh by pointing out just how much of a doofus I am.

January 22, 2010

I Hope

A quick screenshot mashup of what's coming on TV tonight:

I hope they put it on enough channels.

January 19, 2010

Shuttle Edutation

Regular visitors to this blog know I like to post the best of the NASA photos I get daily in my Google reader. Today's photo isn't a spectacular image of the shuttle taking off, nor is it a glorious photo of the universe from the Hubble telescope. No, it's a rather boring shot of a few astronauts watching a technician demonstrate the maintenance of space shuttle Endeavour's thermal protection system.

What I found amusing was the title of the post, and I got a screenshot of it in case NASA decides to change it:

I guess it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work on the NASA website.

UPDATE: Just noticed they've changed it.

September 17, 2009

Is There?

Uh, about the second result...I'd have to say "Yep". There was no need to Google the answer.

August 18, 2009

How Long?

Another strange Google search auto-complete.

August 6, 2009

Global Warming!

Nah, just another average August day here in the Texas Panhandle.

July 28, 2009

Strange Auto-Completes

When I use Google.

I've found some weird ones; here are a few:

June 27, 2009

Terrorist Party Supplies

Having a terrorist theme party? Go to Amazon to get your supplies.

(Click for larger view)

To be honest, it's pretty silly to label Obama as a terrorist, even though he's attacking our wallets.

Do a search on Amazon for "Terrorist Costumes" and the results are even more silly:

Ron Paul is a terror to the RINOs and neocons in the Republican Party, sure, but Hillary is only a terror to Bill. She probably would've been one to Obama, but he got her out of a position where she could oppose him and put her right under his thumb. I'd bet Bill's probably pretty happy about all those Sec. of State trips,though.

June 20, 2009

A Little Trouble in Big Hollywood

Here lately I've been getting my political fix at Big Hollywood, a fantastic site that blends movie reviews with conservative views on current events and politics. (a rare treat indeed, because the words "Hollywood" and "conservative" are seldom, if ever, mentioned in the same sentence) I like it for that reason, plus it's a chance to see a seldom-seen side of the celebs who post and at times interact with them.

They've been having some trouble with their IntenseDebate forum software; comments not going through, double replies and pages taking forever to load. (shades of MSN Groups!) Most of the time it's not funny, and even though I've taken a screenshot of a similar glitch, this IS still funny:

June 19, 2009

A Rush of Reddit Readers

Thanks to this post on Reddit, this blog has had 3-4 times the normal daily new visitors as usual. (my regular readers aren't "normal" or they wouldn't be here)

They were following a link left to a post from over a year ago: The Week I Was Born. The subject of the Reddit post was the photo of the man with the huge grasshopper.

Earlier today I took a screenshot of the Feedjit counter and the page changed a half dozen times as I watched, with most new visitors coming from the Reddit site.

(click to view larger size)

There's not been any new non-US visitors, but thanks to the link, there's only one more US state to complete the entire fifty!

EDIT: The FlagCounter Page views shows how much the traffic increased yesterday, and I've noticed with the Feedjit counter that they're still coming in from Reddit!