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January 24, 2014

What a Days!

Today is National Peanut Butter Day. It's also National Compliment Day.

My loyal readers of this blog are all nicer than a peanut butter sandwich. (not sure if you're all nicer than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, though)

And I'm sure you don't stick to the roof of the mouth, either.

January 23, 2014

Oldest Trick in the Book

Some of their adverts aren't funny at all, but this latest batch is clever, the "did you know" ones.  Here's the latest one I've seen, really well done.

That Link Is Toast

From Cooking.com

January 21, 2014

We Can Dance

Hollywood Movie Dance Tribute

I recognized or have seen about half the movies w/ scenes in this.  How 'bout you?

Part II

Monkeying Around With 404 Pages

I've been meaning to start this new category, but keep forgetting.  It's a collection of "404" pages I've been directed to on websites.  I'm sure you've seen them, but if you're not aware of what they are, they're basically dead links, the "page not found" message. (or, for more information, click on the "404" link above)

There are websites devoted to 404 pages, so it's not as though I'm doing anything new. (here's one and here's another.)

This is one that just an hour or so ago was directed to at userscripts.org, a site I sometimes get scripts to use in my Greasemonkey add-on for my Firefox browser. I thought it was appropriate - a monkey and Greasemonkey.

(click image for larger view)