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July 7, 2007

The Pants Dance

This is an actual movie taken just minutes ago.
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I was looking for my cleanest pair of pants to wear, and when I went to the corner where I had stood a pair I had worn only a few dozen times, I found them out in the middle of the room doing a jig.

I've GOT to go do laundry. I've been wearing my "Liberals Suck" tshirt for several days and the only thing left hanging in the back of my closet is one of my liquor store "gimmees", a tequila shirt. The only problem with that one is that there's a picture of an agave plant on the front and when I wear the shirt I'm constantly getting all sorts of looks, mostly bad ones.

Some people have even stopped me and said "Hey, like the pot leaf shirt, man." It takes me a while, but I always explain it's the plant from which premium tequila is made.

That's usually followed with "Yeah, right..." and a glassy-eyed bloodshot wink.

I'm going down to the newest laundry here in town; "Billy Bob's Suds 'n Duds". The "suds" doesn't mean soapy water, but beer. Yep, there's a bar in the laundromat, pretty cool, actually. Since they don't allow children into a drinking establishment, even one with washers and driers, there's not any loud little brats knocking you over with the carts.

No, now it's loud big drunks knocking you over with the carts. That's an improvement in my book, though. Some of them drunks is womenfolks.

I really like Happy Hour down at Billy Bob's; half price on drinks and fabric softener, five to seven each day.

I'm taking my pants down there here in a minute, we can dance awhile then I'll buy them a margarita.

Hey, closest thing I've had to a date in YEARS.

July 6, 2007

"Just mosey on down the road, stranger"

Cool sign on the outskirts of Miami, Texas. I know the people who own it. If you want to steal it, please remember that nearly everyone here in Texas owns a gun or two or ten or twenty or more.

This is better than one of those doormats that say the same thing. No need to be subtle if you actually feel that way. Me, I just keep a cap on at all times. If someone comes to the door I want to see, I take it off and wave them in with it "Just got home, c'mon in!" and if it's someone I DON'T want to see, I tip my hat and say "Sorry! Just leaving!".

I'd really like one of those doormats, though. Just a suggestion, Christmas isn't far off y'know.

The Yellow (Prim)Rose of Texas

(click for larger view)

Yellow Primrose
Hwy 60 in Roberts County
West of Miami, Texas

Too Pretty to Mow

"Blanket Flowers" growing wild in the corner of a plot
Miami Texas cemetery

Save Texas From Trash, Too

At a roadside "turn-in" on Hwy 60
West of Miami, Texas

At the risk of making an asp of myself...

I will post yet another ubiquitous snake warning sign.

On the fence at the entrance to the Miami, Texas town cemetery.