Living in New Zealand and Great Britain. The high will be nice enough, but that low temp is gonna be a scorcher.
This is a screenshot from my Excite start page; I have some of my best online friend's weather on it so that even if I don't get an email from them, I can at least have some sort of idea of what sort of day they're having.
I'm sure there's some glitch in the feed for the UK and NZ that put in those extreme numbers. 18,000 + deg. F is hot, "damned" hot, I'd say.
It might very well be that warm there; it's the dreary middle of winter here, but it's summertime in New Zealand. I don't reckon it's THAT hot there, but then again, Annie might be on the warpath and a guy could light a cigarette on her forehead. (if he was stupid enough to try)
And Minnie...well, I've always heard those Essex gals are HOT.
Welcome to ToTG!
December 15, 2007
It Must Be Hell
Labels: funny, screenshots, weather
Especially at this moment and time
61%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
I'm slightly above average, that's all I ever hoped for.
In anything.
December 13, 2007
Isn't It Ironic?
Was just looking through the TV listings on my Excite start page when I noticed something ironic.
CMTV is showing a repeat of a reality show: Billy Ray Cyrus... Home at Last
Here's the description of the show:
Billy Ray has to decide between his music and his family when he discovers his tour schedule would cause him to miss his daughter's birthday.
At the same time, there are several reruns of Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel. a children's sitcom starring Cyrus' daughter Miley Cyrus as well as Billy Ray. Here's the title and synopsis of one of the shows:
Jake returns from filming his movie and tries everything to win Miley back.
The ironic thing about this is not that both shows about both people are on at the same time on two different networks, but that they are all--both shows, both people and both networks-- nauseatingly boring.
Labels: funny, ironic, screenshots, tv
December 12, 2007
A Tree Covered in Money, Maybe
You Should Have a Green Christmas Tree |
December 7, 2007
I Failed
But they made me feel pretty good about it.
You Know a Lot About Christmas |