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September 5, 2008

A PH.d of Spam

Every day I get several messages from a "Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst" telling me I'm fat. The mails are always from her, but she must have a zillion email addys because no two are ever from the same address.

(here are the ones that came today: DrSuzanneGudakunst@ochrebeige.com and DrSuzanneGudakunst@fernbramble.com. I hope the spambots grab 'em and deluge "her" inboxes the way "she" has done mine. I doubt it's really the Dr. Sue per se, but from the obnoxious affiliate program she sponsors)

However, the body of the mail is always the same:

Hello Subscriber,

It's me Dr. Suzanne G. here , and I wanted to let you know a very scary fact that every single person MUST be aware of if they every want to lose their fat:

Did you know the average person has 6-10 undigested meals resting in their colon?

Also, Every Single Person Has Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Their Colon!

I'm Going to Show You How to Get Rid of All of It so You Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more - and Keep It Off FOREVER!!

The mail goes and provides a link to see for myself, plus a link and mailing address in order to opt out of the mailings.

Yeah, right.

I'm wondering something...if I have 6-10 undigested meals resting in my colon, isn't she simply saying I'm fulla crap? Also, why couldn't someone swap those horrible little 'critters' for one...say, a tapeworm?

That'd be the perfect pet, I'd think. Goes where you go, eats what you eat.

I'm not the only one who is wondering about Dr. Sue.

Sorry, Dr. Sue...there's no difference between your spam and what's in my colon.

I'm beginning to miss the porn spam, most particularly the ones that urge me to increase the size of a certain body part.

Hear Who

From the website:

HearWho.com is an online web application that will work with your internet browser.

There is no software to download. you simply type or paste your text into the text area, then click "MAKE MP3 FILE". - "Thats all" - It saves time.

Automatically turn any text into speech so you can listen to it, when you have time.

HearWho.com converts text to speech and saves it as an MP3 file so that you can listen to it on any device capable of playing MP3 files, such as Ipods, PDAs, mobile phones, MP3 players, etc.

HearWho.com uses only the highest quality AT&T Natural Voices; incredibly lifelike, natural sounding voices that come in a variety of languages.

Listen while doing. It saves time...

Make studying easy. Listen to it commuting, at the gym, running / walking/cycling. Listen instead of reading news, articles, blogs, eBooks... anything you want.

Oh yeah and did I mention it saves time?

Yep, believe you did. I'll mention that it's a fun site to goof around in for a while.

September 4, 2008

It Ain't an Easy Job

Bein' a worm.

That's what we used to call "breakin' off a wet one".

September 3, 2008

Karaoke Party

From the website:

Sing karaoke online in your web browser. Practice your singing and increase your score. Challenge your friends in becoming the next karaoke champion. All you need is a microphone, built in or connected to your computer.

Register to:

Keep track of your scores
Challenge your friends
Make song requests
Upload a picture
Make friends

You don't have to register to be able to sing along.

I wouldn't post anything I sang to the internet. I know better... and believe me, I'm doing myself, you and the rest of the world a favor.

Karaoke Party

September 2, 2008


From the Word of the Day feed in the right-hand column.

comestible \kuh-MES-tuh-buhl\,
adjective:1. Suitable to be eaten; edible.
noun:1. Something suitable to be eaten; food.

I knew this word, but can't recall that I've ever used it. I've seen it in survival books and magazines the most, I reckon.

I do know many times my comestible turns out to be combustible.

In other words, my gustatory turns fumatory.

September 1, 2008


For that special someone who has everything!

Sign up at the website, select the colors you wish and a DNA Portraits™ kit will be mailed to you with instructions as how to obtain your DNA. Return the kit and they'll mail your unique portrait.

Portraits also available from fingerprints or a kiss imprint.