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October 21, 2008

A Raccoon Buffoon

You Are a Raccoon

You are very curious. Your curiosity has led you to learn a lot about the world... including some things you rather not know.

You are also very sneaky. You can blend in when you need to, and no one really knows what you are up to.

At times, you can be morally dubious. You're willing to do a lot to get ahead, even if it means stepping on other people's toes.

You are generally passive and tend to work behind the scenes. But if someone challenges you, you get downright nasty!

At least I still have my baculum

It's on my keychain.

October 20, 2008

Blimps For Everyone!

Ron Paul supporters had this blimp.

That's ok, though: the Democrats still have Michael Moore and the Republicans still have Rush Limbaugh.


Wordie [wûrd • ē]

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October 19, 2008

Harper Valley PTA - Jeannie C Riley

Live in Nashville

Happy Birthday, Jeannie C. Riley!

Pickles on the Side

What Your Burger Says About You

You are very gluttonous. Even if you're full, you'll still clear your plate.

You are the ultimate foodie. You're picky about food quality, but you're not picky about eating strange things.

You tend to gravitate toward strong, pungent foods. Even if it means having bad breath!

You are straightforward, honest, and ambitious. You tend to be direct about what you want when it comes to food.

Y'know, every now 'n then they get it right on the nose. Especially the part about me being a glutton, how I'm picky and especially about having bad breath.

October 18, 2008

If I Fell - The Beatles

Dedicated to elle.

From A Hard Day's Night (movie)