From the Word of the Day
sidereal \sy-DEER-ee-uhl\, adjective: measured or determined by the daily motion of the stars; of or having to do with the stars or constellations
I knew this word, have known it for a long, long time thanks to a youthful fascination with sci-fi that lasted until a few years ago. I gave all my books to my nephews and have more to give away as I keep finding them tucked away in various spots.
I used to think I wanted to be an astronomer until I found out how much math was needed.
Welcome to ToTG!
November 11, 2008
Celanese Plant Nears End
Pampa company plans to lay off 200 workers, shut down in January
After a gradual decline, the end is in sight for Pampa's Celanese plant as the company lays off the last of its workers.
"It's like driving past the old homestead," said Dietta Pope, who worked there 28 years before retiring in 2000. "I grew up out there."
The plant opened in 1952 but the Texas Workforce Commission announced Monday that Celanese will lay off about 200 employees. Mundy Contract Maintenance, which has done work for Celanese at the plant since 1989, is also laying off about 58 people.
"We anticipate shutting down production no later than Jan. 4 and removal of finished product by March 1, so it will be a bit of a phased layoff," said Travis Jacobsen, Celanese spokesman.
The plant manufactures a chemical used to make plastics, such as rayon for textiles and film for cameras, and a chemical used in the processing of a range of substances from aspirin to pharmaceutical heroin.
November 10, 2008
The Loopbox
The Loopbox: It never stops
Find a song you like out of the varied selection, click the box and the music will never stop!
Well, some of the music won't stop.