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March 8, 2009

March 7, 2009

Stranger on the Shore - Acker Bilk

I've been meaning to put up this tune for a long time now; it's one of my favorite songs.

The reason I just remembered it was because of today's post on the Word of the Day, "bilk". I looked at my mp3 version and decided to alter the tag because the artist wasn't credited in it. I then noticed the genre tag was "negerpunk" and had to go look it up.

Wiki entry on Acker Bilk.

Silverton Tornado

March 28, 2007

A Bag For Your Bags

I just returned from a trip to the local Dollar General; didn't buy much, just some paper towels and plates (ah, the life of a bachelor)I also needed some trash bags and while looking through the selection, I noticed a new product.

It was a bag in which to keep the plastic grocery bags. It was shiny and slick and came in various colors and cost something like three dollars.

I suppose it is a good idea and they'll probably sell like hotcakes.

(if you're handy with knitting needles, I suppose you could always crochet one out of plastic bags.)

I didn't buy one because I have a better idea.

People could do as I do, and put their bags inside another bag.

Maybe I should patent that idea?


From the Word of the Day feed in the right-hand column

bilk \bilk\, verb, noun:

1. to defraud; cheat
2. to frustrate
3. to escape from; elude

1. a trick; fraud; deceit.
2. a cheat, swindler

Regular and not-so-regular readers of this blog (as well as those who stumble across it) will know this word.

It's what I do to them when they expect something substantial from my posts.

With Chocolate on Top

You Are Vanilla

You are a delightful, friendly person. You are optimistic about life and people.

You are enthusiastic and energetic. You enjoy everything you do.

You are cooperative and flexible. You get along with people from many walks of life.

You're not a show off. Instead, you're more likely to help other people shine.