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May 12, 2009


odium \OH-dee-uhm\ , noun:
1. Intense hatred or dislike; loathing; abhorrence.
2. The state or fact of being intensely hated as the result of some despicable action.
3. Disgrace or discredit attaching to something hated or repugnant.

I find the past and present political odium to be particularly odious.

May 11, 2009

A Complex Fortune

For a simple mind.

I'm a naturally simple character, nothing profound about it.

How Much Sugar?

From the website Sugar Stacks:

Would you eat a stack of 16 sugar cubes?

A label can tell you there are 39 grams of sugar in your soda, but what does that much sugar look like?

We've used regular sugar cubes (4 grams of sugar each) to show how the sugars in your favorite foods literally stack up, gram for gram.

Compare foods, find out where sugar is hiding, and see how much of the sweet stuff you're really eating.

Sugar Stacks - How Much Sugar is in That?

Raining in My Heart - Buddy Holly

Rain, Rain, Go Away

You Are Rain

You are dark and dramatic. You tend to be a bit over the top.

You have strong emotions and they can change quickly. You are tempestuous.

You are wild and unpredictable. You tend to overwhelm and surprise people.

While you are aggressive, you are also a homebody. You don't really care for physical activities.

Singing in the Rain - Gene Kelly