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April 12, 2010

I Wanna Be a Cowboy

Your Cowboy Name is Augustus Emory


I Wanna Be A Cowboy - Boys Don't Cry

Truer Words

Were never spoken. From our Quote of the Day feed:

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

- Winston Churchill

Image courtesy of magixl.com

Car Record Players From Yesteryear

From: I have seen the whole of the internet

Just a few weeks ago I was talking with a guy I had grown up with and we were remembering the old eight-track tape players we had in our vehicles; I told him about a guy who had a record player in his car and my friend said there had been no such thing. (I mentioned them in another post, but hadn't put in any photos.) I will need to print out these photos and show him!

Surprisingly, the player worked fairly well, but sometimes did skip when driving over a bump or into a pothole. The guy also had a nice case for his records, so storage wasn't too much of a problem (except the case took up quite a bit of room). The only problem I saw with his system was that the recordings were almost all C&W and I was more of a rock music fan then. (and still am)

See more of the record players at I have seen the whole of the internet.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to promote the blog; it's one of my favorites and I have it as a subscription in my Google Reader and look forward to the posts. I've recently culled quite a few feeds, but could not bring myself to delete this one from the list.

April 11, 2010

Texas Stadium Implosion

Now, as long as the TEAM doesn't implode this year....

April 10, 2010

Pyrrhic victory

Pyrrhic victory \PIR-ik\ , noun;
1. A victory achieved at great or excessive cost; a ruinous victory.

This perfectly describes this Administration and Congress and all the "ruinous" legislation they've passed over the last several years. I predict there will be a huge turnover in both Houses in the next election, Dems and Repubs alike. (and they ARE alike for the most part)

Farewell to Texas Stadium

The end of a Texas icon will come Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. CST. View the webcam of the Texas Stadium Implosion. Read what former players and coaches have to say: Long Good-bye

Here are some stadium facts

I've been to two Cowboy games in the stadium, both in the late 70's and both games were with the (then) St. Louis Cardinals; I don't remember the scores or which year was which, but Dallas won one of the games.

Listening to talk radio, I heard one talking head say there were no bad seats in the house, but I would have to disagree. I didn't care for where I was seated - about four/five rows above field level, but in the corner of the end zone. Each time the action made its way to me, the quarter ended and the teams changed ends of the field, putting them far away.

I do remember my g/f (soon to be wife, now my ex-wife) asking me to drive home from the second game we attended. She had experience driving in the metroplex traffic while I was a small town hick driver, but I gamely got behind the wheel and started to fight the traffic back to Denton (n. of Dallas).

It took about an hour to get out of the parking lot and on the freeway; I almost panicked as I was immediately surrounded by six lanes of traffic, all driving well above the speed limit. I kept my cool and thought that as long as I was heading north, I would wind up in the general vicinity of Denton...or even Oklahoma, but at least I would be on the right track.

Somehow I managed to make it to DFW Airport, a shortcut from Denton we always used to go to the football and baseball games, as well as the times we went to Six Flags. I paid the toll at the entrance to the airport and kept driving. I drove for about 30 minutes, thinking that the route looked familar, but in an odd way. Long story short, it wasn't long until I glanced over from the freeway and saw Texas Stadium again! I had made a huge circle and come back through the airport, only from the wrong direction!

Being a long-time Cowboy fan, I have many memories of games played at the stadium, some good, some bad, but this is one of my favorites.

George Teague lights up T.O. for disrespecting the star