Welcome to ToTG!

October 12, 2012

Spittin' Mad

Did you know the horned lizard (or "horny toad") defends itself by squirting blood from its eyes?

We've got some horny toad posts. (with pictures, if you don't like to read!)

October 11, 2012


anacoluthon \an-uh-kuh-LOO-thon\ , noun:

1. A construction involving a break in grammatical sequence, as It makes me so—I just get angry.

2. An instance of anacoluthia.

I'd like to take the spammers who hit this blog every now and then and cut their - off and then feed the  - to the - hogs.

October 10, 2012

The Weight - The Band

Dedicated to myself, because I just got a big load off my mind and back.

October 9, 2012


catachresis cat·a·chre·sis [kat-uh-kree-sis]


misuse or strained use of words, as in a mixed metaphor, occurring either in error or for rhetorical effect.

I don't understand why people mix their metaphors.

I mean...it's not exactly rocket surgery, is it?

Let 'er Rip!

From the Photobucket archives.

Yakety Yak

You Love to Talk About Current Events
You are an admitted news and political junkie. You pride yourself on knowing what's going on in the world.

You prefer to talk with people who are equally up on current events. You think there are a lot of important things to discuss.

You get bored easily, and you prefer to always be discussing new things with your friends. You feel like it's easy to get in a conversation rut.

You are the type most likely to bring up new and interesting topics of conversation. You always have something fascinating to talk about.
Yakety Yak - The Coasters