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October 19, 2012

October 18, 2012

A Woman’s Poem

From the e-mail archives:

He didn’t like the casserole, and he didn’t like my cake
He said my biscuits were too hard, not like his mother used to make
I didn’t perk the coffee right, and he didn’t like the stew
I didn’t mend his socks, the way his mother used to do
I pondered for an answer, I was looking for a clue
Then I turned around and smacked the crap out of him
Just like his mother used to do.

My Facebook Profile

You Are Shy in Real Life
You are modern and up on the latest trends. You resist getting stuck in a rut.

You have mixed feelings about yourself. Sometimes you love who you are, and sometimes there's so much you want to change.

You are very verbally adept. You love to talk, even if no one else is listening.

You consider yourself a bit of a paranoid person. You aren't going to put a lot of personal information out there online.

Sometimes these quizzes are funny because they're so wrong, but other times they're almost scary when they're spot-on.

I don't know about the validity of the other stuff, but I AM paranoid, especially about my online security.

You're really not paranoid if there ARE people out to get you, you know.

Giveaway of the Day

One of my favorite sites; I am subscribed to the feed as so to not miss a chance on some great, free software.

Granted, not all of the freebies will appeal to you or be something you would want, but I have snagged some nifty and useful programs from the site.

The one major "catch" is that you must download and activate the program on the day that it's offered.  Also, some of the programs don't offer any support.  Still, the price is right!

Here's a ticker to put on blogs and websites showing the day's offering.

Giveaway of the Day

Giveaway of the Day