Welcome to ToTG!

January 27, 2014

Bacon Explosion

Heart attack on a plate...but what a way to go!

January 26, 2014

Flag On That 404 Page!

From the Dallas Cowboys website:

I'm not positive, but I believe that signal is for unsportsmanlike conduct and/or a non-contact foul.

January 24, 2014

Not a Negative

Cute 404 page from iStockphoto.com

What Kind of Reader Are You?

You Are an Eclectic Reader

You will read almost anything, and you think the best gems are discovered randomly. You are curious about books.

Of all the types, you are the most likely to spend time browsing a bookstore, especially one with used and rare books.

Your taste is varied, but if you had to say, it's pretty far outside the mainstream. You don't like anything too predictable.

You appreciate experimental writing and writing that challenges you. You prefer books that make you grow, even if you they are more difficult to read. 



banal ba·nal [buh-nal, -nahl, beyn-l] adjective

devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite

That pretty much describes this blog.