404 page from a site I subscribe to in my reader, English Russia. I generally enjoy the site, a glimpse into many facets of Russia, not only in present time, but also with old photos of the country (or rather, the Soviet Union) during WWII and after.
I did learn my lesson after once commenting on an article; I had used my Gmail address and within a few hours there were several attempts to hack into it. They didn't have any success, so I'm grateful my account wasn't invaded like the Russkies did the Crimea. (The site's owner is overtly supportive of the takeover.)
смущающий - embarrassing in Russian
I did learn my lesson after once commenting on an article; I had used my Gmail address and within a few hours there were several attempts to hack into it. They didn't have any success, so I'm grateful my account wasn't invaded like the Russkies did the Crimea. (The site's owner is overtly supportive of the takeover.)
смущающий - embarrassing in Russian